
In this in case that, other 0 variable will need to be considered, mainly for the entailing of the technician-scientific production to the research projects. Depending on the moment where the project if finds, the production of the researcher will be able to be presented as high or low. 3.1. Remuneration and compensation As will be given remuneration of the professionals (plain of positions and wages, table of remuneration, price/hour, others)? Stimulaton for a reason or purpose differentiated individual, the organization will grant, to the end of each evaluation, one (increase of wage, bonification, others)? That indicating will serve of base for this calculation? (indicating of individual performance, abilities, reached results, others) – Plan of positions and wages, table of remuneration, price/hour, others – Increase of wage, bonification, others. – Indicating of individual performance, abilities, reached results, others 4.

DEVELOPMENT the development of the people in the organization must be planned, anticipating it events and future necessities, in way to guarantee that the people possess the necessary abilities and knowledge to the activities proposals. 5.2. Resignation Where criterion will have to be endorsed the resignation of a professional? – Lacks during 30 days consecutive without justification; – Lacks in 45 days intercalated without justification; – Not fulfilment of its obligations; – Not integration to the group; – Low income of its functions What it will have to be enclosed in the resignation procedures (disconnection interview, guiding the new employer, others)? – Advance warning; – Interview of disconnection; – Letter of exoneration; – Contract Rescission; – Program of system of disconnection of the collaborator; – Guiding the new employer and others 5.3. Controls Remanejamento Frequency Productivity Social Rocking. That controls will be established with regard to the fulfilment of objectives and tasks? The people must increase its productivity in the Organizations: increasing the abilities, knowledge and abilities, intensifying the training and the learning, improving our services/activities, accepting the challenge to exert new activities/papers, measuring and maximizing resulted, contributing for rise of the group productivity. The people must leave the mesmice: He gives to chance itself exactly to enter in contact with the new and to perceive as if it feels in relation. He creates, invents.

The people must be the intellectual capital of the organization: ‘ ‘ She gives the chance to give to me optimum of mim’ ‘. To know to extract optimum of the other is an art that few dominate, but that in very it enriches to all the involved ones in the process. The true leaders only make it with the necessary frequency to its professional success. How will be observed the frequency of the employees (leaf of point, others, absence of instruments)? – Leaf of point As must be the communication between the controlling and its subordinate for relative solutions the absences, removals and vacation?