Praised him

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MTV Music Television
John McCain praised Barack Obama for an “historic” victory during his concession speech in Phoenix.
MTV Music Television
John McCain praised Barack Obama for an “historic” victory during his concession speech in Phoenix Democrat .
Times Online
Barack Obamas victory is a milestone, but life for most black Americans still hard. We report the major challenges facing the president-elect
President-elect Barack Obama has supporters in Chicago after the defeat of John McCain to be the next American president. Below you will find obama and other Democratic Party faithfuls like the speech.

Get more:

  • Should Barack Obama Be President? DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, AUDACITY OF HOPE, … Obama in ’08? by W. Frederick Zimmerman (Paperback – Jun 11, 2008)
  • Barack Obama, the New Face of American Politics (Women and Minorities in Politics) by Martin Dupuis and Keith Boeckelman (Hardcover – Dec 30, 2007)
  • Hopes and Dreams:The Story of Barack Obama: Revised And Updated by Steve Dougherty (Paperback – Jul 1, 2008)