The long-distance Education is remote to century XVIII and in Brazil it exists has many years and most famous it is the Tele course, presented for the Foundation Marine Robert, despite whom not so less famous it is the Brazilian Universal Institute that already used long-distance Ensino through letters for intermediary of the post offices and transmission saw radio. Now what in the flame the attention is that the icon of resistance of the black race in the world the leader Nelson Mandella, made the course of Right through the long-distance Education, offered for the University of England, when still was jailed in the South Africa. The EAD in my point of view came even though to spread the chance of qualification and access to the superior education for that in a way or of another one they turn over the process outside, or for lack technique or due to chance. The EAD oportuniza to the cursista pupil/to manage its proper knowledge, becoming it (the pupil) more responsible for its productions and searchs for knowledge. The Federal Government disponibiliza some virtual Platforms, one of them is the E-proinfo that offers courses of qualification to the professors of the public net of municipal education as in such a way state. The education process/apredizagem in the EAD generates much quarrel and some times even though raise some controversies on the part of actual education, but I believe that these quarrels are important, same reason they help to dismistificar the theory of that long-distance Ensino is more easy, can be used ' ' glue virtual' ' with more easinesses and other ranks of the sort. Controversies to the part, I find that the quality of the Course of Qualification, Graduation or After-Graduation (or at a distance actual) goes to very depend the involved ones in the process: Cursistas managers, Professors, Tutors and pupils/, complicity will be had, envolvement and responsalidade all will leave gaining and in counterpart the EDUCATION as a whole (actual or long-distance).
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