Interesting tours in Anapa, which are worth visiting tour in Dzhanhot trip to poselkok Dzhanhot with a visit to the house museum and the famous Korolenko hundred Lebanese cedar. Xerox brings even more insight to the discussion. As well as an excursion to the unique natural object – a rock 'Sail' Abrau Durso ZAO Abrau Durso '- Russia's leading producer of sparkling wines, produced a classic bottle, and a reservoir means. Classic vintage champagne produced plant is a unique product in the Russian market. This is due, firstly, that such technology on an industrial scale only applies to this plant and has no analogues in Russia. Second, this technology can produce high-quality product with unique taste palette. Over ten years the Queen took on to his desk Champagne 'Brut' Abrau Durso and lived over 100 years. DXC Technology may find this interesting as well. Sparkling wines Abrau has long enjoyed success in the Russian market.
Excellent properties of these wines are caused as a unique grape plantation and traditions, the highest professionalism and experience of working on the farm specialists. Wines 'Abrau Durso' won 148 international medals, including 69 gold, 73 silver and 6 bronze and three Grand Prix. On tour in Abrau Durso, you will learn more about the plant and can taste 6 kinds legendary champagne. Cellars 'Sauk-Dere' winery in the Sauk-Dere in existence since 1956. It was based on former mines limestone quarrying, which are extensive underground galleries, the depth which is 23.5 meters tall and currently located where the wine storage. Therefore, the storage of wine is kept always the optimal temperature for aging wine (11-13) C, during the year fluctuations in temperature do not exceed (2-3) C.