More recently, the creation of any site the webmaster made a number of web pages and publish them online. If necessary, make changes or additions to the site owner appealed again to the webmaster, and the perform the necessary work. Today to replace this static website come dynamic, where each page is generated directly in the time of applying for it. Information on all pages stored in the database, and the owner of this site are provided special funds for adding new data or correction of previously entered. In this case, the appearance of web pages and the structure of their interaction is given by a specialist in the development of the site, and entering and editing content may be performed by man, not familiar with the layout of Web pages and programming. System that manages dynamic sites, often called a content management system, or abbreviated cms by the English name Content Management System (content management system). Such systems are generally used to store and publish a variety of materials.
The contents of the site, that is, content is processed by the cms and the output site visitors in a given form. Moreover, modern systems automate many common actions, for example, allow to search the site or to organize a survey of visitors. If small websites, business cards More can be done without the use of cms, the vast majority of modern commercial sites should be developed with the help of such systems. The choice of site management system is a fairly important step and should given due attention.