Compostagem Garbage

The industrial and domestic garbage if fits in the direction most including depoluio, but when analyzed under diverse aspects, also can servisto as a social or, in contrast, as solution, oupelo, less palliative problem for several other problems. Certain techniques of treatment of the garbage allow, among others things, to get energy, through biogs; to get organic composition, through dacompostagem: that it is a process of transformation of orgnicacontida substance has remaining portions of animal or vegetal origin. What it was considered to make in this article will be to argue its advantages, and osbenefcios to the environment of the compostagem. The sped up growth of the cities and the change of hbitosdas people, on to an exaggerated consumption had given to origin the factors that vmgerando a different garbage in quality, amount and composition. The current paradigms must be reviewed and the direction to be in the search of a melhorgerenciamento of the garbage, what it includes its formation, discarding ereaproveitamento. According to Birth, et al (2005, p.53-54) as advantages of the compostagem we can observe: ‘ ‘ it improves of the health of the ground. The composed organic substance seliga to particles (sand, 00ze and clay), helping in the retention and draining dosolo improving its aeration; it increases the infiltration capacity of water, reducing aeroso; it makes it difficult or it hinders the germination of seeds of plantasinvasoras; I number it increases it of earthworms, insects and microorganismosdesejveis, had the presence of organic substance, reducing the incidence dedoenas of plants; they keep the temperature and the levels of acidity of the ground; active the life of the ground, favoring the reproduction beneficial demicroorganismos to the agricultural cultures; degrande makes possible the resolution of the problem of the final deposition part of the solid residues urbanos.’ ‘ reduction of the garbage destined I fill with earth to it, with the conseqenteeconomia with the costs of I fill with earth and increase of its useful life; agricultural exploitation of the substance organic; ambiently safe process; elimination of patgenos; economy of treatment of effluent.