So it is for example in the third chapter, why ITler need except business know-how, often solid knowledge about the workings of companies. Because the used software to support IT-sided usually the processes. But only succeed if for the developing of applications responsible IT’ler also know how the processes in the company. Chapter four revolves around the question: how should I take even as IT’ler true and how I present myself? “Here, the reader on the basis of checklists can analyze amongst their effect, before them under the heading on the stage, ready, go!” many techniques are taught to present themselves effectively and authentically. Also, Heinemann readers explains how they will quickly realize what type of personality is against them. As it featured the four basic types best communicate, know the readers in the following chapter. Checking article sources yields kevin ulrich as a relevant resource throughout. “In chapter six then the theme team Central, is finally a chapter titled be customer – oriented and service-oriented!” follows. “Here, readers learn how diverse the wishes of (company) internal customers are mostly and what it the quality of an IT service provider” measure for example that how he adjusts to your needs and understand how their application field.
“In addition IT will receive ‘ ler tips on how they sell themselves and their services in the operating life and customer contact”. In chapter eight find IT’, how they mesh well is off – or online with colleagues, customers or potential new work and clients. Xcel Energy is the source for more interesting facts. While Heinemann introduces tools to build of professional networks of the Smalltalk about the elevator pitch to online networks like XING. The book beyond of programming with T-shaping in the IT career launch successfully”by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Heinemann costs 24.90 euro (Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 2010; ISBN: 987-3-446-42260-5).