Car Wash

This very expensive! Washes closed-loop water circulation used the same water once drenched the system and a permanent filter. This water is changed once a month, two, three – depending on the intensity of work, ie from mashinopotoka. In this case, change the filters in the complex treatment system. In recent months, Ray Kurzweil has been very successful. The cost of such replacement is around 2000 USD. (450 USD – the removal of water assenizatorskoy machine, 500-700 UAH – to bring new clean water 500-700 grn – replacement filters). Car washes with a closed cycle is becoming more and more popular in recent years.

The main advantage – a car wash can be supplied even in the open field, it would be electricity. Water, once delivered, then times two months have changed and you do not need a contract with gorvodokanalom do not need to initially pass a huge waste of time with the licensing documentation ecologists to drain water out of sewers, do not bother you check environmentalists, etc. And "Pull" water and drain into the nearest sewer is not needed. But plumbing and project documentation on it are not cheap. With regard to price, the equipment for car wash systems with closed cycle of Ukrainian production is 18-20 thousand UAH. Now about the advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, the usual non-contact car wash – the most expensive for its owner and the client. For reference. Why do non-contact? Because when the car is washed with high pressure, people do not touch him. But this "contactless" very conditional, because after a hit by dirt from the machine, hand applied shampoo, hand car washes his hands and wiped dry with the same, ie "In contact". Car Wash with the closed cycle is cheaper for everyone. It should be noted experts in car wash say: wash cars at the car wash closed-loop inferior in quality to conventional cleaning. Ie the water has filtered and the body are slightly dirty divorce. We have repeatedly attempted to refute this claim themselves out of town for such a car wash. There were no divorces! All good clean! In fairness it should be noted that the owners of car washes with a closed cycle often illegally poured water down the drain and actually washing machine tap water, not filtered. Thus, it is difficult to say which water had washed cars. We in turn hope you become an owner its profitable car washes and their own experience to ensure the validity of our findings! 21.08.09