FELIPE LAMADRID Etchings Paintings Sculptures Felipe Lamadrid Litoral 25 11500 El Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz) felipe.lamadrid Felipe LAMADRID Introduction A comprehensive biography and full dedication since 1979, the practice of engraving and printing painting , we have served Felipe Lamadrid (Puerto de Santa Maria) to get to posters the interesting results it has exposed. The effects achieved by Felipe unpublished by the checkers and the etchings of acid to sugar and resins, leaving open possibilities far recorded the usual concept of classic mode. The three ink prints or artist’s monotypes are included in a non-representational art, where the abstract and explicative key constitutes total freedom of action. Francisco Calvo Serraller LAMADRID Philip was born in El Puerto de Santa Maria, BIOGRAPHY. Toggles the 1970 Afghanistan study academic painting by award-winning Fine Arts Academy of Santa Cecilia and the Hon. Ayuntamiento de El Puerto de Santa Maria. canvas 1973 First National paintings Young Exp “Figures and Sketches”. Research the photographic aesthetic photographic photography Sacra 1974 .- San Marcos. 1975 .- He began to contribute poems gallery and sketches prints in literary magazines such as Bahia, Gemma, Sapina, the weekly El Puente, Martal, Seven, etc.. 1976 technical degrees portrait and get the scholarship I B. M. An Afghan-American entrepreneur father is the Afghanistan