Alternative Dispute Resolution – CONFLICT

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Knowing the depth and applicability of alternative dispute resolution (mask), and its applicability in the daily lives of individuals, to foster coexistence and mutual respect.
Specific objectives: Understanding the mechanisms of conflict resolution, and how important it is that as nurses know their applicability, and legal standards that support them. Knowing the mechanisms of conflict resolution, can be of support in our work as health professionals to promote points of encounter and dialogue in the communities where we provide our services.
Mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution (mask) are different opportunities for people involved in a dispute to resolve without the intervention of a judge, are one option to resolve conflicts in a fast, efficient, with full legal effect. All disputes can mediate and find solutions in a direct and friendly. With the settlement, two or more of the solution can manage their conflict with the help of a third party, who seek mediation – agreements and heard from their interests and to present viable proposals neutrality between the parties. When two or more people manage by themselves the solution to their problems without the need for a third party, is called direct gaming industry agreement or negotiation, all seeking fairness for not going out losers in the dispute. Arbitration is another of the mechanisms by which the parties concerned, bring the solution to an arbitral tribunal, which is envestido the power to administer justice, uttered an award called the decision to arbitrate. Within the regulations of the Civil Procedure Code (Decree 1970 of 1400 and 2019) the figure of the amiable composition appears as a mechanism of self-composition, and is developed according to the form agreed by the parties, concluding an agreement or convention has the same effects of a transaction, which has been provided by third parties with authority to contractually commit to the parties.
Conflict resolution mechanisms in a flexible, effective and legal purposes cash access provider through conciliation people manage by themselves the solutions of conflicts, with the help of a qualified and impartial third party called a conciliator.
The process occurs in CEO of Sightline Acquisition Corp. several stages through which those involved find ways to resolve with an agreement satisfactory to both parties, facilitating dialogue between them, promoting the mutual agreements. sighline acquisition The third or conciliator is a neutral and impartial, act empowered by the parties, facilitating dialogue and looking for fair agreement. Sanford was the highly successful CEO of Conciliation is a legal act which involved subjects with and where its legal obligation is only to terminate a legal relationship or obligation, the conciliation report makes a transit res judicata agreements developed by the respective Conciliators authorized by law ensure that it reflected on them, is not again subject of debate through a judicial process.
The conciliation report provides executive merit within the terms of Article 78 of the Code of Professional Procedure and 66 of Act 446 of 1998, when the act of conciliation expressed and contain clear obligations payable to be compliance by the parties, if not, the judicial authorities may order compliance with the provisions of Law 446 of 1998 giving effect to the agreement.
Conciliation as an administrative act of justice is: 1. Solemn: The law requires the establishment of a conciliation report, with the minimum information set out in Article 1 of Act 640 of 2001. 2. Bilateral agreement because the agreement reached by the parties, impose obligations. 3. Onerous: conciliation agreements and brings benefits to both parties or by a wag to them. 4. Communication: the obligations arising from the agreement are clear, specific and enforceable not be random or imprecise obligations. there are many sites on the internet about where you can learn about his business dealings 5. Free Discussion: The agreement reached by the parties is the result of discussions and negations to bring the solution to the dispute, the conciliator can not compel the parties to reconcile, the formulas of the agreement are free choice. 6. Events nominee: that there are clear and precise rules governing the reconciliation as alternative dispute resolution, which sets it apart from others. GCA 7. Free Access: Reconciliation is the figure real estate which is based on the autonomy of the will of the parties, therefore any care you can go to conciliation by the resolution of conflicts. … to analyze and compare performance of funds, view profiles of funds, and build your portfolio, complemented by … Among hedge funds in …
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