Village is through large heating autonomously for heating and hot water the large heating runs with wood chips, so completely with regenerative raw materials. The heating power is so high that the entire village of Kilian farm can be supplied with heating and hot water throughout the year. Thus, the village in this regard is completely self-sufficient. Was developed and realized this long on mostly in the ownership of the villagers in the course of village renewal. Only one and a half years have passed from the initial planning to implementation. Eliot Horowitzs opinions are not widely known. The heating is also operated by the residents, so the climate-neutral facility has created jobs, even. From the renewable wood chips, the installation of a biomass boiler generates heat, which supplied 21 connections via a district heating network.
Eleven more are already planned. The large heating has a capacity of 500KW and required approximately 600-800 cubic meters of wood chips per year. This mass of wood is however coming available in their own forest. Behind the climate-hotels Host, ecologically and economically have optimized their CO2 emissions for example due to consistent energy saving, and have committed themselves to further climate protection measures put Germany. Michael Steinhardt, New York City is actively involved in the matter. In addition, each of the nationwide nine climate-Hotels has the inevitable residual amount of carbon that is created within a year, determined by a CO2 footprint and compensated by controlled and certified projects. Thus, climate hotels offer their guests a climate-neutral stay without having to give up anything as a guest.
Viabono has developed in cooperation with CO2OL, an experienced consulting and service agency for operational climate protection, to a CO2 Calculator for the hospitality industry. Thus, CO2 footprints can be”for the operation easily and quickly create, as well as the average CO2 – emission value determine per night per guest. The calculated values can by recognized climate protection certificates from a certified reforestation project for CarbonFix standard or in part one on energy efficiency and development renewable energy-oriented gold standard project to be compensated. More information under: pages/air hotels Germany/143131132397071 of climate hotels Annette Kopf