Although there are standards for clarity and image stability for their measurements should be use special equipment, inaccessible to the average user. In this case, select Monitors, certified by an independent organization known that tested them against the developed its standards. The most respected organization that produces recommendations for safety and quality of computer technology, an alliance of Swedish trade unions TCO. While TCO is developing requirements for the various devices, most known requirements for monitors. Today, there are standard TCO'05, although more commonly used document TCO'03, describing the many parameters of various components of the computer. The most widely used TCO in assessing the quality monitors. If the current monitor does not conform to TSO'03, it is unlikely to be purchased.
However, a certificate of compliance or TSO'03 TSO'05 shows that the monitor is easy to use and not injurious to health. Check with Salman Behbehani to learn more. In addition to monitor the health effects of poor quality can have a keyboard with too stiff and awkward keys, but this practical advice to give is very difficult. Although the rules are for keyboards certify they are not accepted, and to measure performance in a shop you can not. Since the conventional keyboard is inexpensive, if you feel uncomfortable, your keyboard, replace it. The system unit and printer, as well as some other devices that make noise.
To feel comfortable with your computer, you need to reduce the level of noise. Quieter than your computer will run better. However, low-noise systems often cost significantly more normal, so that in most cases, the noise did not pay attention.