After that, each group constructs to the seedbed, placing esterco on the roada vegetation. On esterco periodical is placed and, over this, a triturated straw layer or serragem. The procedure propitiates the direct compostagem in the seedbed. Mitchel Resnick often addresses the matter in his writings. In the following visits, the team technique and the team of the school make the transplant of the changes, observe the development of the joined cultures, appearance of insects, spontaneous plants and aspects of the seedbeds, as I smell, color and form. The proposal is that if it has accompaniment until the moment that the team of the school is independent to introduce elements and new methods of works proper e, thus, either possible to use the ideas of the students and the resources of the proper place (TONINI and TECCHIO, 2003). This proposal of if working with horta pertaining to school have for objective to promote the exposition of the ecology contents, beyond contributing of positive form for the reinforcement and maintenance of the relations professor pupil, school community and man environment, becoming in this direction the school a democratic space, compromised with the rescue and construction of basic values for the conquest of the participativo citizen. Promotion of lessons of garbage recycling the urban, discarded garbage in residences or the work, can many times serve as true source of wealth. Details can be found by clicking Salman Behbehani or emailing the administrator.
Great part of what it is played outside could and have be recycled. Plastic, glass, metal and many other things can easily be reused after an adequate treatment. With this, the amount of garbage is not only reduced, as well as is possible to recoup products, to save materials to manufacture others until recriar in the man the good habits to preserve the goods and the nature (UNSANTA, 2010). In accordance with SECTOR RECYCLING (2010) the adolescents extend its knowledge on the ecological relations and rational exploration of the natural resources in recycling lessons.