The author uses ' ' espetculo' ' of the ignorance and alienation of the people to its destination, the social classrooms of this period still in formation and below of its mission, being valid this in such a way for the commercial bourgeoisie as for the sectors most popular, to suggest one total disarticulation of the people with the leading classroom, classroom that was vain of whom objective the ideas of a national project of identity would command devir historical. The intellectuals would have the priority of saying on behalf of a nation, producing ' ' myths unificadores' ' that they would facilitate the creation of an identity. A hierarquizada and authoritarian joint. We cannot disrespect for where ' olhos' of these intellectuals they were come back in that historical context, produced in its time, could not be different, had more privileges produced for the proper knowledge and therefore, many times if they pointed out to the front of its contemporaries. The author indicates us that for in such a way if these intellectuals they did not make use of knowing on the logic of the Real who were integrated, always had the resource to come back its eyes toward the developed countries.
How much to bedding of the legitimacy of the power of the intellectuals on the society verified that these did not present formal headings, that is, they did not make use of an identity principle sent that them to the institucional bonds as diplomas or headings, however, the power consisted of the ownership of one to know on social the recognized one and valued for ample sectors of this society, she concludes that on the recognition and valuation of these social sectors it was based legitimacy of these intellectuals in if exactly making representatives or interpreters of the popular masses, or still ' lugar' of social definition that the same intellectuals attribute itself and to that they recognize or they legitimize the power to them. The intellectuals, culminate Pcaut, had a leading vocation because they obtained that any better another elite, to catch and to interpret the signals that demonstrated that already an underlying nation existed, enrolled in the reality. ' ' Everything served to prove: the ways to be, the culture, the people, the development of the forces produtivas' ' (p.29). At last, he ponders the author, with the imbalance between the social one and the politician, is not of mold to discourage the intellectuals. The ideology allowed, over all, to be the when necessary elite and to when convenient people them. In function of this social imbalance between and politician, the intellectuals still obtain to elevate themselves in indispensable mediators, substituting, are because possibly they identify themselves with the State or if they more good present as against-Estado.classes since that same they, affirm to know its deeper interests and placing themselves in the position of the Power, therefore in such a way how much this if projects above of the social one. However if they place so frequently so ' ' acima' ' of the society