Objectives and principles of the process of mediation Between the primary targets of this technique we emphasized that it persecutes: – To facilitate that a new relation between the parts in conflict settles down. – To increase to the respect and the confidence between these. – To correct perceptions and deceptions that they are possible to be had with respect to the conflict and/or between the implied ones in this. – To create a frame that ensure communications between the parts and the transformation of the conflict. The principles of the mediation process are: a) The power exerts the own parts: Those are the own participants that control the process and the decisions. It is a process that begins of a certain form and is evolving and advancing through phases with intermingled steps. b) Neutrality and impartiality of the mediator: The mediator will not be able to take party by one from the parts, nor still supposing that one of them occupies the position of the weak one.
In this case the mediator will try to balance the power between the parts by means of the use of the technical adapted ones of communication. Before initiating one mediation the mediator must be asked on the existence of some circumstance susceptible to create bias in the development of the same. With this neutral and impartial position the mediator them aid to put off center the conflict of his dual position, of expensive confrontation to face, and abre a space to them that is neither of one nor of another one, but belongs to both, where they can see the point of view of the other, redefine the own positions and find the interests common. c) Confidentiality: During the mediation the participants (as much the interested ones as the mediator) maintain the privacy absolute and have the guarantee of which what she says herself in a mediation session she will not be able to be used before a court.