The grid is tied to a rope, at 30-50 cm above the cargo terminal attached to the same rope. The load should be heavy enough about 3-5 kg. Check out BMC for additional information. It, along with filled grid, neglecting to three meters upstream from the expected start posting. In order to attract fish the regular portion of the bait, you need to make a few smooth stretches with a rope. And now another bite, fishing continues! Tackle for catching roach in spring – most common roach tackle for catching this spring with a float rod. It is about equipping the swing rods I will explain how.
Fly-fishing rod for roach fishing in the wiring – Since most of the catching roach fishing is carried out in the wiring, for ease of fishing, fishing rod should be as easy. What bait to choose? We will approach fly-rod 4-6 m long, made of carbon fiber, with a test of 5-25 grams. Someone who likes to snap the dead, and takes the rod without rings. For the universal gear, I advise you to buy a fishing rod with rings, and additionally it easy to buy inertialess medium-sized coil. Such a rod you can make long casts. Properly balanced tackle, with adjusted clutch, will be used for fishing line and a thin vyvazhivat big fish.
Float fishing for roach – should be as easy to ogruzkoy to 1.5 grams. The form of the float is chosen depending on the fishery. If the reservoir is present relatively strong emotion, then you will approach droplet form, and perfectly calm weather will manifest itself spindle-shaped, thin float. For longer casts samoogruzhayuschiesya use floats. The line – for the main suit the diameters of woods from 0.17 – 0.22 mm, and a leash for 0.08 – 0.15 mm. Long lead, at a throw better simulates a free fall bait, and often thereby provoking the fish bite, but then as they say double-edged sword, since too long a leash will be noticeable bite worse. Therefore, the optimum length of the leash 10 – 15 cm Happy fishing to you!