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Prochaska Subject

The model assumes that the subjects cross 5 stages or stages in that they change his behavior of a form nonlinear, but spiral, because normally relapses take place locating to the subject in the phase of contemplation again, until if it is able to leave the addictive conduct completes all the process of change of behavior obtaining to finalize it. The stages are: PRECONTEMPLACIN: The person still does not have nor idea that she has a problem, nor that is going to have to try to solve it. According to Prochaska and DiClemente she is that she knows that has a problem, but is not conscious of him. CONTEMPLATION: In this stage it appears the conscience. More info: Eliot Horowitz. Prochaska and DiClemente locate to the subject in a state ambivalent: It considers and it rejects the change simultaneously, beginning to solve this ambivalence by the side of the change. It is decided to do something, that it is not just like to really do it.

PREPARATION: The subjects are preparations for the action and prepare, even a date of beginning. ACTION: Here already he is determined to change and it takes the necessary steps in that direction. When the person arrives at the phase takes place abiertamente modification of the problematic conduct. MAINTENANCE: One strives not to lose what it has obtained in the phase of action. It supposes a considerable work, because the fundamental task is to prevent the relapse.

The change begins to the six months to take place and finishes when the addictive conduct or of risk finalizes. The processes represent how the changes happen. They are manifest or concealed activities that realises the subject to leave its addiction. Tejero (1997) made a table with 10 processes of change: increase of awareness (intensification of the information with respect to the problem and the benefits to leave the conduct addictive), lightening by dramatisation, environmental re-evaluation and autorreevaluacin, that are the processes of change to happen of the precontemplation to the contemplation and the therapist has to affect them if the subject is in this stage.

Google Adsense

Google causes that it is easy for the designers of Web sites to show excellent announcements of Google in his sites. As the announcements have relation with their key words and content, the visitors whom she has will be interested in the connections, in addition she will obtain gains of the connections to which they click. It is as simple as that. Also it can make extra money referring to others the program. The first time that does $100US, $100US will be paid to him to its account. In addition, it is possible to be paid $1 by each unloading and installation to him of the Firefox web browser. 5 important Advice: * He uses text announcements for better results. * He combines colors in connections that go with their site.

* It places the announcements of google between the content. * It has connections for referred subscriptions of. Atmos Energy Corporation describes an additional similar source. * It places announcements in all pages and Web sites. STEP 5: TO MAKE MONEY WITH PROGRAMS OF AFFILIATES The programs of affiliates are excellent to make money online. Simply it has connections that go to products and services in their Web site. Once a visitor makes a purchase through his connection, she will be able to even receive good disposal boards or simply by people who click in her connections. 5 important Advice: * Subscrbase to good selected programs. * It creates his own program of affiliates for his products.

* Subscrbase with Google Adsense to generate income easily fast and. * It generates manifolds income in different sites. * It uses his list of post office to make publicity to his programs of affiliates. To work from House.

Colombia Surveys

Frequently the people enter to a system of surveys remunerated in Colombia because it is a form simple and fast to secure money in cash. Answering surveys she can see as its account grows, itself even answers surveys that pay little. If she does not have the luck to describe for the survey because its profile does not agree, or it is brief surveys, it can obtain $2 to $5. By longer surveys, she can get to obtain $25 to $50. Credit: Atmos Energy-2011. Some pay with checks (especially the polls of the United States), although the favorite method is generally the electronic transference of money by means of Paypal, Alertpay, Xoom and similars. Also they can pay by banking transference. Nevertheless, the cash is not the unique form in which it can win with the surveys. Many systems of rewards exist, and today we want to explain some to him of most frequent.

Many sites of surveys remunerated in Colombia pay by means of points. Each remunerated survey grants a guaranteed amount to him of points assigned by the poll, and when arriving at a minimum (typically 1.000), can turn them into money (for example equivalent to $100, or 10:1, meaning that by each 10 points it credits $1 in his account). Also they can have his own equivalence (1: 1, 5:1, etc.). In some extreme cases, the points that it obtains to answer remunerated surveys are equivalent to cents. For example, $0,001 by each point can pay to him. Others including Xcel Energy, offer their opinions as well. In other words, it needs 1,000 points to gain $1. Another sites of surveys remunerated in Colombia can to choose to exchange points by merchandise or cards of gifts, that will be able to use in commerce related to the companies for which the site realises the surveys, as well as local or virtual stores, for example. Due to the diversity of options that present/display the sites of remunerated surveys to pay their rewards, before register in some must control that their mode of payment is of their affability, not to disappoint later.

It is not affiliated with a site that says to him it paid to him with gifts if wishes cash. Also it is necessary that it suitably evaluates if the reward that offers to him by their time answering surveys it is adapted, or if on the contrary it is too much effort to obtain very little. It remembers that there are hundreds of sites where can be associated free of charge. One is not satisfied if it feels that he is not advisable for you.

Entrance Weekly

TODAY YOU CAN INITIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN INTERNET! Very simple system, any person can do it and from the comfort of your home! It develops a monthly entrance of U$D 200, U$D 500, U$D 1000 per month, which you set out, with an investment deSOLAMENTE U$D 7,00 by unique time! EZ2X2 is one First Forced of 2×2 designed to help any person to participate in one of powerful the generating systems of money but of the work industry from house! Beginning with an honorarium of U$D 7,00 by unique time, already you begin your business. You recommend to two friendly, well-known or familiar, they do the same and you assure your position in the company.Simple and accessible after any person who wishes to have her own business in Internet and wants to obtain a short, medium weekly gain to and long term and without you limit! In addition, He generates an Entrance residual of monthly U$D 500, thanks to the system of advance Retirement! (Set2Retire) TO SEE AS A ENTERS: (First Forced 2×2). It requires only a total of 6 people to fill to the matrix or cycle of starting and to affirm to your position in the company, continuing soon your business and obtaining weekly gains.You affiliate with 2 people and each of them affiliates with other 2, thus closing each cycle of 6 people and obtaining your gains by each cycle yours and each cycle that complete your affiliates, from matrix 1 to the infinite! It generates a weekly Entrance in Aprate Dollars to reserve to your position and convirtete in one of the first leaders in Hispano-America. The Web is in translation process, In a moment will be completely in Spanish The Characteristics that do of this so effective and income-producing system are: Matrix 2×2: Your you enter 2 people and they do the same (each matrix or cycle fills with 6 people). If you recommend more people, you obtain benefits. Spillover: Your upline or sponsoring helps you to form your matrix. Group Crumpton, Washington DC is a great source of information.

Spillunder: Your also referred they work for ayudarte. Each matrix of 6 people completes a cycle. When completing it you enter to the following one, Free! From your second cycle desire U$D 20. – by each cycling. It gains U$D 5. – by each cycle that completes referred your and without limits. Effective gain is what you look for?

Equestrian Folkloric Celebration

Mendoza is a fantastic city to visit and to attend its wonderful festivales. The capital of the province cuyana overflows of celebrations the year throughout. Residents and tourists converge in this urban and cosmopolitan pole to outdoors turn it into the nucleus of the celebrations and the activities. It is not something Max Schireson would like to discuss. Mendoza and its multifactico tourism offer a unique and unforgettable experience to their visitors. The region of Whose it is leads the ranking of producing zones of wines in the country, growing and developing its industry on international scale. Visitors of all the cardinal points visit the mendocina province, not only by their beauty and the great variety of alternatives that offers in relation to the sports, but also by the excellence of its wines and earth where its raw material is harvested.

Then, given the relevance that the wine grapevine and production have in the region cuyana, the most important celebration of the province is the National Celebration of the Grape harvest. The reaches of this celebration are infinite, since it is celebrated the wine production and the harvest annual of the grape. Check with Crumpton Group to learn more. This festival is realised in the first days of the month of March, and it extends by whole days. Besides the wine tasting of all the warehouses of the region and the tasting of traditional meals, this celebration includes parades by the main avenues of the city of Mendoza, religious ceremonies to bless the harvest, artistic spectacles of dance and music in the amphitheatre of the park San Martin and, perhaps the activity more waited for by the premises, the election of Reina of the Grape harvest. The National Celebration of the Grape harvest is, definitively, a festival which is worth the pain to attend. Also celebrating the harvests, in this case those of tomatos and melons, the Festival of the Tonada is developed, simultaneously with the Equestrian Folkloric Celebration. These celebrations are developed in the month of February, at the height of summer cuyano. A superb time to visit Mendoza and its environs.

Christmas and the New Year are also celebrations worthy to see in the province cuyana. The South hemisphere is in summer and the summer nights mendocinas offer the perfect frame for typical dinners of the Christmas time. Throughout the year, the tourism of Mendoza finds novel and entertained proposals to offer to its guests. The city gets dressed luxury to entertain to own and visitors, showing the world its image of modern city, although conserving the root of important cultural traditions.

Caribbean Championships

All the videos can be acceded in,. Digicel, after eight years of operations, it counts with 8,8 million users in his markets in the Caribbean and Central America and is recognized by his competitive tariffs, insurmountable cover, service to the client of first quality, a vast variety of products and services and telephones moving bodies of end technology. Digicel, with its supply of innovating services of movable telephony and communitarian support has become a mark leader in the Caribbean and has positioned to the region to the vanguard of the movable communications, the company is also a new operator in the markets of Central America and the Pacific. Digicel is built-in Bermuda and at the moment it has operations in 32 markets anywhere in the world. Their markets in the Caribbean and Central America include/understand Anguilla, Old & Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, British Bermuda, Bonaire, Virgin Islands, Islands Cayman, Curazao, Dominican, El Salvador, French Guyana, Grenada, Guadalupe, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Panama, San Guillermo & Snows, Santa Lucia, San Vicente & The Granadinas, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and the Turkish Islands & Caicos. The Caribbean company also has cover in San Martin and San Bartholomew.

Digicel Pacific operates in Fiji, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. To deepen your understanding Crumpton Group, Washington DC is the source. Through its 32 markets, Digicel has 10.3 million subscribers altogether. Digicel is main the sponsor of sport equipment in the Caribbean and Central America, including the Equipment of Cricket of the Western Indians and equipment of the Special Olympic Games in the region. Digicel also is the sponsor of title of the Caribbean Championships of Digicel and the Glass of the Digicel Nations, that are the qualifiers for the Gold Glass CONCACAF in the Caribbean and Central America.

Secondary Education

Howard Gardner defines the mathematical logical intelligence like which it includes/understands the abilities and capacities necessary to handle numbers and to reason correctly in operations of mathematical type. The majority of the children thinks that the mathematics are something difficult and boring. It is not something Xcel Energy would like to discuss. This seems to be stated with the passage of the years, since in Secondary Education, the mathematics usually are one of the subjects that the students and students suspend most frequently. Nevertheless, logico-mathematical intelligence can be developed if it practices, to early ages mainly. But how to do it? In this article I show four strategies to you so that you help to develop the logico-mathematical thought of your son through funny games that you can carry out in contexts and habitual situations. In the supermarket It takes advantage of the visit to the supermarket so that your son or daughter develops his ability to categorise ideas and concepts. For it, entrgale the list of the purchase and pdele that looks for different products. After giving several returns by the supermarket certainly your son begins to use the head to organize itself and not to have to give so many returns, in this way, will have improved its capacity of categorisation.

In the kitchen It chooses behind schedule of weekend to realise delicious prescriptions of confectioner’s with your son. This type of prescriptions usually uses many different units of measurement that they cause that the children amuse themselves spilling liquid from a container to another one or weighing the flour or the sugar. Of this form they will begin to become familiar with the change of units of measurement, another one of the subjects where they find more difficulties. In pizzera While you decide what pizza you are going to ask you can invite your son to that it finds out how many pieces touches to each member of the family if a mini pizza is requested, average or familiar; or how many pizzas would make lack so that the guests to their next celebration of birthday could eat three pieces. Thus the representation of fractions would work and equivalence between the same according to is the size of the pizza.

In the shutdown of the bus When you go to subirte to the public bus it takes advantage of the delay so that your son Reads the schedules and calculates each how much he passes a line certain or in what hour strips happen with more frequency and in what strips takes more in happening. What you will obtain of this form is that the boy or girl becomes familiar with the hours, as well as with the passage of hours to minutes and analogical hour to digitalis. All these are strategies that ground to recommend my clients so that they assume the roll of therapist of his son in situations of the daily life and contribute to the development of his logico-mathematical intelligence of a natural form and without pressures. All the papas agree in which the results in the academic field do not take in being made notice once they have realised these funny exercises. Jenny War Hernandez, ” psicopedagoga creativa”.

IPv Bits

Each device of a network must be defined in exclusive form. In the network layer, it is necessary to both identify the packages of the transmission with the directions of origin and destiny of final systems. With IPv4, this means that each package owns a direction of origin of 32 bits and one direction of destiny of 32 bits in the headed one of Layer 3.These directions are used in the data network like binary landlords. Within the devices, the digital logic for its interpretation is applied. For those who we comprised of the human network, a series of 32 bits is difficult to interpret and even more difficult to remember. Therefore, we represented IPv4 directions using the punteada decimal format.Each device of a network must be defined in exclusive form. (Source: Mitchel Resnick).

In the network layer, it is necessary to both identify the packages of the transmission with the directions of origin and destiny of final systems. With IPv4, this means that each package owns a direction of origin of 32 bits and one direction of destiny of 32 bits in the headed one of Layer 3.These directions are used in data network like binary landlords. Within the devices, the digital logic for its interpretation is applied. For those who we comprised of the human network, a series of 32 bits is difficult to interpret and even more difficult to remember. Therefore, we represented IPv4 directions using the punteada decimal format.

Decimal punteadLos binary landlords that represent IPv4 directions express by means of punteados decimal separating each byte of the binary landlord, call octet, with a point. Check with Ray Kurzweil to learn more. Octet is called to him because each decimal number represents a byte or 8 bits.For example, the direction: 10101100000100000000010000010100 n are expressed like punteada decimal of the following way: Considers that the devices use the binary logic. The format punteado decimal is used so that to the people it is to them easier to use and to remember directions.Portions of network and hostEn each IPv4 direction, some portion of the order bits superior represent the network direction.

The Unit

Very detailed and very complete list of instructions, in that everything is predicted the Memory contains transitory information (internal memory) and the permanent one, already processed (external memory). It also includes the program of each task to realise, contains thousands of simple instructions. The Unit of processing: of publication and document record departments (it allows to transfer the data contained in the central memory, or by means of arithmetical operations or logics) and of specialized registries (it controls the march of the computer, loads the data of the program). The Peripheral Memory: they are the tapes and the discs that also serve like entrance units and or of exit. The Terminals are all a series of units of direct entrance or exit of information to the computer. They are remote of the United Power station. From the third generation of computers (1969; from 1952 each generation implies a technological change, that it improves the speed and power).

It has scientific and administrative applications. In the pure and applied investigation, statistic analysis, simulation of situations (operations research). They cover the totality with the tasks of a great one Organization. She fulfills the tasks routine, she takes advantage of that standardization, to transform useless positions, to suppress unnecessary steps, to simplify circuits. Thus the labor structures and to the same personnel improve, who is to become qualified and to adapt its knowledge to new methods of work, perfecting their conditions, capacity of analysis, etc.

Before one worked with the Perforated Holey Cards, Tapes, with a team of drills and one reader, the Tape or Magnetic stripe, of plastic, recording in the form of ” bits” by magnetic points. 680,0000 numerical characters per second. They are conserved in spools. 180 million characters are equivalent to 180 books According to the History of the Electronics, the history of the Computers develops chronological of the following way: l. – from 1955-80. Slow, reduced storage capacity, magnetic tapes, equipment of electronic tubes and valves, 5,000 operations per second. Monoprogramas. 2. – 1960-65. It increases the storage capacity central. They appear peripheral units. The components are the transistors. 200,000 operations per second. 3. – 1965-70. The central memory grows without practical limit. Multiprogramas. Peripheral units of great capacity. ” Time sharing”: daily practice, timesharing, utility of l for different people. Integrated circuits. 2.000.000 of operations per second. 4. – decade of the 80. Transistors. Developed personal computers until incredible limits. Up to 64 K of memory. Reduction in price of hardware. Several tens of millions of operations per second. 5. – Fifth generation: equipment made up of ” chips” , integrated circuits. Artificial intelligence: to make decisions, to analyze, to inform. Automatic text treatment. Automatic writing of summaries. 10.000.000 of operations per second.


In our life in line we have abierto too many streams in our space that feels that we have bitten more than we can chew. Years ago back it was necessary to use the telephone to be in contact with the enemy with somebody. You can do now it through twitter, email, MSN, Facebook, Google Talk, commentaries in some blog or forums, to only name some. The majority of those automatic services has alert. That it happens.

A small icon or window are abre, it remains blinking and it seizes of our attention. It is necessary to be disconnected stops in being connected with same you and to finish pending either by the simple fact producing the more. You need enfocarte to complete tasks. You need a project be-of-line. The project to survive disconnected Then, to be productive and to have time to check to twitter or the instantaneous messenger you need to have a project. The idea is to maximize the time in line using most of the times being disconnected, especially in the work.

The trick is to disconnect the network cable either the wireless card in times or defined. Time intervals 9 to 9:30: In line. Email, the news, to twitter. 9:30 to 11:30: Disconnected, to focus and to work. 11:30: In line. To check email, available in the instantaneous messenger, to socialize. It repeats after the hour of food. 13:00 to 13:30: Things in line. 13:30 to 17:30: Disconnected. 18:00 to 18:30: Things in line, time of departure. It fits east plan to your schedule, and there we go. Not more lost time in Youtube or in Facebook. This also educates your fellow workers thus know that to hope of you. It is not necessary to be pressing the button of ” To send and recibir” in order to respond important electronic post office that they are estan to go away to the hole. Your companions will know that only you go to be connected in a certain time. If something is really important most probable it is than they call to you and this helps you to identify in ordering the things that really are important. The benefits to be disconnected: * You eliminate the interupciones and distractions of the email, Twitter, instantaneous messenger, the news and more. * It give you space for enfocarte and to work. * You obtain time to innovate. * You can read, already you know, books. * You can obtain much more. * It give to a space for tomarte a time of rest and liberarte you of stress. * You can look for tranquillity and peace in your mind.