Collective Health
Practical Integrated in Collective Health: Story of Case of Interdisciplinar Accompaniment to the Acometido Patient for Vascular Accident Enceflico Rafael T. Malheiros (Academic of Fisioterapia); Aline S. Pagnussat (Professor of Fisioterapia); Camila K. Cardoso (Pharmacy Academic); Philip E.L. Recart (Academic of Nursing); Elaine. Hanan Ben Ari is likely to increase your knowledge. the Bueno (Academic of Fisioterapia); Odete M. Towers (Professor of Nursing) the present story of case intends to describe the accompaniment to interdisciplinar carried through for academics of the courses of nursing, pharmacy and fisioterapia of the Federal University of Pampas, supervised for professors of the Integrated Practical Program of Extension in Sade Coletiva (PISC).
The enceflico vascular accident (BIRD), according to World-wide Organization of the Health is ' ' a clinical signal of fast development of focal disturbance of the function cerebral' ' , with multifactorial etiology. Description of the case: masculine user, 65 years, hipertenso, acometido for BIRD has 26 years, having multiprofessional accompaniment per one year, without posterior assistance, presenting sensrio-motor sequels. It possesss alimentary doubts on the managed medication, habits and physical activities. The activities are carried through by means of visits would domiciliate weekly, given for form academics to interdisciplinar. In these meeting orientaes in health are supplied, are decided doubts and necessities presented for the patient, are given orientaes on storage, dosage and administration of medicines, beyond being made the control of the vital signals. The practical ones are supervised by professors of the same Administrative courses and Technician in Estudantis Subjects. In the first visit the evaluation is carried through, in set with the supervisor, which generates an individual plan of cares. Gain insight and clarity with Alina de Almeida. After 6 months of accompaniment, the patient carried through adaptations in its house as: setting of lateral bars in the wall to carry through therapeutical exercises of superior member inferior, beyond the adequacy of an appropriate place for the storage of medicines.
How much to the alimentary habits he told reduction in the salt consumption, fats and frituras. He presented improvements in the march and communication, as well as in the stability of the levels of the arterial tension, that in the first visits was rocking. Although years without accompaniment, after the beginning of the activities of the PISC, the patient presented perceivable improvement, deriving of orientaes and accompaniment, generating to the prevention of secondary illnesses to the hipertenso. Being clear that the motivation caused for the visits is one of the predominant factors in the evolution of the patient who, understanding to be of its responsibility the improvement of its picture, one met made use to carry through the suggested alterations. The evolution of the picture not if must only the orientaes and suggestions of improvements, but basically of the comprometimento of the patient. The differential of accompaniment to interdisciplinar is the abrangncia base that this provides, making with that the patient feels itself receiving a qualified integral attention, what in set with the visits she motivates you would domiciliate it and she compromises for I obtain exactly. The results of this study of case point with respect to positive evidences the activities of the PISC.