Tag Archive: recipes

Appetit Recipes

People are known to need much. They are all different and important, but one of the principal is the people's need for food. Once upon a time was a fun song with the following words: "Love comes and goes, always want to eat!" In our time, supermarkets are filled with lots of different products and the income of the modern man allows us to eat with what we want. Additional information at Petra Diamonds supports this article. Excess food is certainly good, but much nicer devour made from them himself. Ordinary meal will be able to make everyone from time to time something unusual.

In order to prepare something special, you need recipes. To date, there is an enormous amount of a variety of recipes. In the Internet are many resources Becoming recipes. Abby Black Elbaum helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. These sites are convenient in that there recipes are grouped, you can see the photo that should get a prescription. You probably heard this saying: 'We then – what to eat'. I think almost all agreed with her, because I understand the dependence of our health from the food we eat. What is preferable to eat? To this question many answers.

One way to healthy eating is vegetariansvo. Not to expect that such food is hard for the mind. This is not so. Such power can be used from time to time to cleanse the body. Vegetarian Recipes are on the network. Bon Appetit!

The Art of Vodka Making

One of the important places in the technology of making vodka from the very beginning of its production in the Russian occupied distillation methods of treatment. Because even in xv century, the distillation process were not so ideal to get pure alcohol without impurities and odors, Russian consumers have always tried to deliver product from the acrid smell through continual search, first of all, effective methods of cleaning grain alcohol from the impurities – fusel oils, esters, aldehydes and other substances. Since that was not covered copper-glass apparatus, to improve the distillation process was impossible. Therefore it was necessary to use different techniques to improve the quality of vodka. All of these cleaning methods divided into mechanical and biological.

For mechanical cleaning methods are: – sucks crude alcohol (ordinary bread wine) with a further strong cooling it fast – play in another vessel after settling and – filtration of crude alcohol, water-alcohol mixtures of vodka. Filtering, however, developed a long time and thoroughly. Methods filter came from generation to generation, they are constantly improving so far. Filtered through felt, cloth, felt and other materials, including charcoal. Initially used an ordinary coal, but since the beginning of the twentieth century, filtering is conducted through activated charcoal. Better absorption capacity have beech, linden, oak, alder, birch charcoal.

The first four species – are expensive and used mainly in the xviii century when a nobleman's home distillation and the manufacture of high-grade vodka. Moreover, their use is limited to certain geographic regions. Birch charcoal filter was cheap enough and is widely used in Russia for five centuries. Now the production of vodka is fully automated. At distilleries in filtering used activated charcoal, which greatly improves the quality of produced vodka.