Tag Archive: personal development

Social Assistance

Reaching the white public with profile to participate of the Social Programs so that they can be inserted in the market of work for socioeconmico and intellectual development of the individual and its family. For the efetivao of the intervention project if made necessary the promotion of partnerships, carried through with the Association of inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS, Program Stock market Family and Interactive University UNIDERP. The reached objectives had been to the accomplishment of information through Lectures and panfletagem, for the population with profile to participate of the Social Programs that the same ones can be benefited. We were invited to give another Lecture in day 15 of December of 2010, had to the positive impact generated by the information. The center of professional qualification is a project offered for the Secretariat of the Child of the Adolescent and Social Politics SCAPS, who takes care of devoid communities with the objective to promote the insertion and the generation of income social, promoting courses: manicure, hairdresser, violo, flute and acordeom. As all process of construction and accomplishment of a project of Social Assistance she has its obstacles, we find difficulties for the accomplishment of the same: had the electoral period the Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS was hindered to carry through social actions, as well as to supply resources so that the Project was executed, thus harming the accomplishment of the activities proposals in the cronograma, and consequentemente changes through the monitoramento and evaluation in meetings of the trainees. The carried through activities had been meetings with the community; pamphlet confection and spreading through panfletagem in strategical points of the community and the city; spreading and explicitao through radio and sonorous marketing (sound car); lectures. Considering the methodology as covered and carried through way, the Project was executed through lectures carried through in the space of the Association of Inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, where we will deliver pamphlets I contend information on the courses offered for the program, and informative Lecture on the necessary condicionalidades for insertion in the Social Programs.. .

The Car

As we were with headquarters my father it apanhou coconut and it pierced with a tool and we drink, we play with the cachorros, I caught butterfly, we step on in the mud, we take off photos, we even play with one pit bul, was the maximum! In the return the car caught normal, passing almost one kilometer, the car stopped, pushes and the car stopped, pushes and the car stopped, pushes and the car stopped Until we arrive at a place in the way of road that was full of people the papa was until and asked for a water bottle there. We pass almost half hour, some people they arrived and they spoke if it wanted that they took somebody and I spoke that joined family, remains joined! In the next one stopped that the car gave, it did not support more, the headquarters took account of me, the skill was to take to that hot water of the bottle that the papa had obtained, I drank half of the water, and it incarnated me to the papa, said that the face had mijado in the bottle, more age lie! In the other stop of the car, I it my brother seat behind fusca, in the same hour the car of the garbage passed and my brother cried out and uncle of the garbage, and face said, speaks! arrived a moment that nobody supported more, all was depleted! In this stop of the car two men pass in its motions, the car were in the way of the road, were almost one hour of the afternoon, my sister seated in the bank of the passenger and because of its extreme weight, he passed badly, we pierce coconut it to take my mother bought chope for all, we we were died of tired, nobody she supported more and exactly thus we pushed little my sister, therefore it did not support! At a moment the car stopped and alone the dry one of my brother pushed, was a descending! All curve the car stopped. Learn more on the subject from ConocoPhillips. . .

Personal Indications

To try to be well I obtain and with the others. 7. TO OBSERVE the World where we live, to give attention, what we hear to our redor, for times, has messages that in they are destined. 8. To create its interior world (to think, to read, to communicate with the others) to have bases the one that if to support when something goes badly. 9. To train during the free moments small exercises of meditation, concentration, or simply to leave silence to install themselves and to think about what it exists of more important for we (nothing of corporeal properties), the love of somebody, the priorities, what we would like to make as work or projectos to carry through. 10. To always believe its GOOD STAR, exactly the worse situations. 11. To say whenever it could be worse. 12. At the very difficult moments to say the word Jesus, or the name of an important person for us. 13. To try not to have perpetual irritations or hatred. 14. To fight for what it is liked and to give the maximum of itself to materialize its objectivos. 15. To prevent the ways most easy, in general they are deceptive. 16. Regularly to harmonize itself with the nature to state in thought our love for the Universe, that is constituted of beings livings creature as we. As a conjunct of gratitude to the Creator. 17. Not to forget and to be proud of its origins for more modest than are. 18. If for happiness we did not have good examples, we must strengthen us for better making of what they had taught in them, thus the merit will be all ours. 19. To know that nobody has the absolute truth. 20. TO LIKE ITSELF. To know to give value without exageros. 21. over all never to lose the capacity TO LAUGH and to create good environments. I wrote this text to think about my children and the young. This is the result of thoughts and books that I read and my proper experience.


In this in case that, other 0 variable will need to be considered, mainly for the entailing of the technician-scientific production to the research projects. Depending on the moment where the project if finds, the production of the researcher will be able to be presented as high or low. 3.1. Remuneration and compensation As will be given remuneration of the professionals (plain of positions and wages, table of remuneration, price/hour, others)? Stimulaton for a reason or purpose differentiated individual, the organization will grant, to the end of each evaluation, one (increase of wage, bonification, others)? That indicating will serve of base for this calculation? (indicating of individual performance, abilities, reached results, others) – Plan of positions and wages, table of remuneration, price/hour, others – Increase of wage, bonification, others. – Indicating of individual performance, abilities, reached results, others 4.

DEVELOPMENT the development of the people in the organization must be planned, anticipating it events and future necessities, in way to guarantee that the people possess the necessary abilities and knowledge to the activities proposals. 5.2. Resignation Where criterion will have to be endorsed the resignation of a professional? – Lacks during 30 days consecutive without justification; – Lacks in 45 days intercalated without justification; – Not fulfilment of its obligations; – Not integration to the group; – Low income of its functions What it will have to be enclosed in the resignation procedures (disconnection interview, guiding the new employer, others)? – Advance warning; – Interview of disconnection; – Letter of exoneration; – Contract Rescission; – Program of system of disconnection of the collaborator; – Guiding the new employer and others 5.3. Controls Remanejamento Frequency Productivity Social Rocking. That controls will be established with regard to the fulfilment of objectives and tasks? The people must increase its productivity in the Organizations: increasing the abilities, knowledge and abilities, intensifying the training and the learning, improving our services/activities, accepting the challenge to exert new activities/papers, measuring and maximizing resulted, contributing for rise of the group productivity. The people must leave the mesmice: He gives to chance itself exactly to enter in contact with the new and to perceive as if it feels in relation. He creates, invents.

The people must be the intellectual capital of the organization: ‘ ‘ She gives the chance to give to me optimum of mim’ ‘. To know to extract optimum of the other is an art that few dominate, but that in very it enriches to all the involved ones in the process. The true leaders only make it with the necessary frequency to its professional success. How will be observed the frequency of the employees (leaf of point, others, absence of instruments)? – Leaf of point As must be the communication between the controlling and its subordinate for relative solutions the absences, removals and vacation?


In such a way, three consideradassuscetveis abilities consider to be improved by means of training and formation, necessriasao professional exercise. Between them they are the knowledge (general eespecficos), the capacities and the attitudes. Common knowledges … we will understand this preparation comoa professional formation of base essential to obtain to play, com' ' profissionalismo' ' , the social education and that specific Knowledge can be proporcionadosatravs of university studies … … susceptible of is seraprendidos or improved by means of formation, that must allow the educadorsocial to face new activities.

… knowledge of way (ROMANS; PETRUS; TRILLA, 2003, P. 125). These knowledge if relate to ' ' to know fazer' ' professional in the intervention directed to the problematic one of the taken care of population. He also includes to knowledge of its functions to intervine with seriousness nastarefas that it they are proper, that is, working in team multidisciplinarcolaborando in the elaboration of adequate and integral answers to the demands dapopulao. Moreover, the knowledge of its capacities and limitations nodesempenho of its work, in order to prevent constrangedoras situations quecomprometam the good performance of the requested tasks must be detached.

The capacities to understand, to dominate certain abilities, joined in some educators, can be apprehended in elapsing of the prticaprofissional. As general term to assign the quality, the ability ea ability that a person possesss to carry through an activity has if idiade capacity. It can receive diverse interpretations. However, definiopertinente in this in case that one mentions the capacities to it to understand, to dominate or utilizarcertas abilities that can have its origin in an innate potential, pelaprtica professional or by means of formation processes. In such a way to carry through practical its oeducador professional would need to possess: ) the capacity to elaborate educative projects – one mentions the tasks to it of elaboration and proposal of work plans and denovos educative programs in the individual, familiar or group scope dedeterminado territory; b) capacity to intervine in the educative plan – capacity of comment and analysis of the processoseducativos.

Automatic ABC

The cognitivo-mannering therapy (TCC) works with the hypothesis of that our cognitions influence our emotions that in turn influence our behaviors and physiological reactions. On the basis of this, differently of what many believe, is not the situations or events that define as we feel in them or as we act, but yes the perception or interpretation that we give for these events, that is, the explanation that for us is given. This perception or explanation of the objective reality comes from thoughts (also called cognitions), which give the tone of as we see the things. Being thus, we directly do not relate in them with the objective reality, but with the interpretation that we make of it. These interpretations appear in our minds, being able to come in form of thought or image. P.A are called automatic thoughts (.) and differently of the conscientious and voluntary thoughts, on these we do not have control.

They come in the same way they are gone, without many times in giving account to them of them. Simply, ' ' they appear in ours cabeas' ' , without being fruit of the desire or reflection and, exactly that let us not know of its existence (therefore generally they are brief and fugazes), they influence our state of mood and they can cause or influence certain emotions. For not terms ' ' conscincia' ' of its existence, generally they are not questioned and they are accepted as true. The all moment we are having different types of thought and when we perceive some alteration of mood, a new emotion appearing, a physiological reaction or still an intention to emit a behavior or the action in itself, all these phenomena had been fruit of the thought that if anticipated they. The description below demonstrates this sequence in more visual and didactic way: Activator: Event or activator situation (Trigger/estmul B – (Beliefs) Beliefs and Thoughts: Question key: ' ' What it is passing in mine head? ' ' C? Consequences: Emotion, physiological reaction, behavior. In this way, if to perceive that ahead of an activator situation (a), we have an automatic thought (b), that generates consequences (c), we can in them make use of this information. It is exactly this that the TCC makes soon at the beginning of its process. It considers that if she monitors (attention is useful) whenever it has some change in the mood or a new emotion, what if ' ' she finished to pass for cabea' ' or, if she makes the question: ' ' What she was passing in my head still now? ' '. This is the beginning of a process of cognitivo-mannering change.