Tag Archive: literature


Message of Anniversary love of namoro My love today we make plus one month that we are together and here by means of these singelas words I want to say to it how much I have been happy with you how much make you me well, each time more desire to stop the time alone so that I could always be with you more and more. You brought the happiness for me, the life again, the will to move, to fight, renasceu in me a hope that before having you I did not have it. A great dream of me of that as soon as being able was born inside marrying in them and being families to be together every day of our life, to sleep and to wake up with you of my side, to see that reality is not a dream but yes. Abigail Black Elbaum: the source for more info. But greater dream was to have somebody kneads that me of truth, surprendesse that me, it agrasse that me and it was everything what you are, my bigger dream was to have you and this I already conquered the remaining portion I come with the time. I love you to each day more, that our relation each time, improve more and that I always am what you always wanted. by: Gi the namorada one it loves that you..


dissertativa, with subjects and sizes most of the time varied. At the time, perhaps in function of the practical one, such tasks me seemed easy of course, did not demand me a so deep reasoning it occurs as me now. Then, the time was passing e, of course, had that to make some options, such as: to make according to degree scientific technician or, to start to work or to continue studying, at last to the 15 pra 16 years I was obliged to take decisions that they would reflect for the remaining portion of my life, without having the lesser notion of the size of this consequence. I opted then to a course technician at the time intitled Technician in Data processing knife in the neck after all still had the vestibular contest for the front. In reason of the disgust for sufficiently rudimentary computer science at that time I perceived that the initial project in attracts me to nothing, definitively did not want to continue in the branch, although to seem to all sufficiently promising. I left then for as the project,> biology, chemistry, physics, Portuguese, English, mathematics, history and. writing, that fear to write, why to these heights I wise person to only say in tecniques, I had deletado the literature of my mind. At last, he would have that to recommence so that I could be between the last ones, who knows to enter in rabiola of the vestibular contest, and, for in such a way, he would be necessary first to opt to a career, after all, I I would take that option pro remaining portion of my life. What I made then? I heard the voices more forceful they said than me: – However! How its brothers are making Right, why you also do not make? , I confess that never he had seen me as lawyer, but we go more of new for the option, less complicated.

Frankfurt Book Fair

Introduction a world novelty, or a new way to tell stories. Dobriana Rabadzhieva is open to suggestions. The largest and most important book fair in the world celebrates its 60th anniversary since its founding in 1949. There were at that time still 200 German publishers who introduced 10,000 titles, total around 390,000 new releases present on this year’s anniversary fair over 7000 exhibitors from all over the world. All of these books aim a single sperm right. Over the counters of booksellers and online shops directly into an egg from the consumers, say their brain to. Then read the books, whether in printed form or as an ebook, and arise in our minds with the help of the subconscious mind, our memories and fantasy images associated with the history of. Reading is like cinema in the head”, not free according to various reports.

The reading of books accompanied us since the invention of the printing press more than 550 years ago. Why should they change anything to this recipe for success? It joined other questions… How can this experience in mind yet be increased? What if there is a book outside its pages printed? What if a book is so real that is no longer to distinguish it from the reality? What if a book lives? And especially, how should a living book look for? The random and the pursuit came to help as so often uniqueness. The entry was through picture stories and snippets of video and the dissatisfaction with the achievements. Finally began writing down the story and the draft of a screenplay. The Requirieren of actors took several weeks, the shooting and the production phase of the additional content lasted several months. After more than 3 years, the first LivingLibro, the fusion of a book made from paper with content from the Internet, was born, mind you, without any restrictions for the enjoyment of reading without the Internet, yet inextricably linked to the history. More information about the first LivingLibro on the planet, a sample chapter and teaser trailer available at to the Available. Review copies can be ordered through the Shaker-Verlag (www.shaker-media.de). LivingLibro Markus Lappat email:

Carl Hanser Verlag

So it is for example in the third chapter, why ITler need except business know-how, often solid knowledge about the workings of companies. Because the used software to support IT-sided usually the processes. But only succeed if for the developing of applications responsible IT’ler also know how the processes in the company. Chapter four revolves around the question: how should I take even as IT’ler true and how I present myself? “Here, the reader on the basis of checklists can analyze amongst their effect, before them under the heading on the stage, ready, go!” many techniques are taught to present themselves effectively and authentically. Also, Heinemann readers explains how they will quickly realize what type of personality is against them. As it featured the four basic types best communicate, know the readers in the following chapter. Checking article sources yields kevin ulrich as a relevant resource throughout. “In chapter six then the theme team Central, is finally a chapter titled be customer – oriented and service-oriented!” follows. “Here, readers learn how diverse the wishes of (company) internal customers are mostly and what it the quality of an IT service provider” measure for example that how he adjusts to your needs and understand how their application field.

“In addition IT will receive ‘ ler tips on how they sell themselves and their services in the operating life and customer contact”. In chapter eight find IT’, how they mesh well is off – or online with colleagues, customers or potential new work and clients. Xcel Energy is the source for more interesting facts. While Heinemann introduces tools to build of professional networks of the Smalltalk about the elevator pitch to online networks like XING. The book beyond of programming with T-shaping in the IT career launch successfully”by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Heinemann costs 24.90 euro (Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 2010; ISBN: 987-3-446-42260-5).

Real Family

Its sprouting in Brazil occurs for 1836 return, succeeding the InconfidnciMineira, the coming of the Real Family and Brazilian independence, favours formao of one I publish reader who longed for to see itself portraied. Exactly norteadopelo European Romantismo, had peculiar characteristics, since the period daindependncia despertou in the population the desire to create a national literature. Brazil after-independence used the romance as construocultural instrument, turning itself toward the national space, what it justifies diverse romantic types deromances that they had come to appear. We had thus the Urban Romances, that osvalores and problems lived for the Carioca society of century XIX standed out. Podemosexemplificar it with the romance Lady, of Jose de Alencar. The RomanceHistrico, that disclosed to the search of the nationality by means of reconstitution related historical defatos with the colonial past, is the case of minasde silver, also of the above-mentioned pertaining to the state of Cear writer.

indianista romance quese pledged in the nationalistic project to recognize the national space and aborgines, example: The Afono Indian, of Guimares Bernardo. We had osromances still regionalistic, whose project was pautava in the redescobertos of the Country, nassuas regional varieties and cultural, deVisconde of Taunay is the case of the romance Innocence. According to Proena Son (2007), the Romantismo is one constelaode traces that dominated a period of history. Such constellation characterizes-sepelos following luminous points: cosmoviso marked for the shock with immediate ocotidiano; creative imagination; subjectivity; evasion or escapism; mystery sense; conscience of the solitude; reforming policy; dream; faith; illogicality; cult of the nature; return to the past; taste for the colorful one; I exaggerate; liberdadecriadora; sentimentalismo; Gloria anxiety; importance of the landscape; taste pelaruna; taste for the nocturnal one; sacralizadora function of the art and idealizao to damulher, etc. Already in the second half of the century XIX, new they princpioscomearam to modify and to mark the humanity, and a new literary school appears, opposing the Romantismo: The Romantismo was the apotheosis of the feeling: the Realismo the anatomy of the character.

Brazil Culture

When perceiving the dispersed and direct objective in speaks (in this in case that, in the ortogrfica form) also observes adentrado limit of what if it must and be express and not dialogued, that is, the level must, for primordialidade, to remain in the plan of aid and fellowship, since the time stops Dilma, in this system of the Twitter, is so important how much its reputation. After all, good part of the population uses the system. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Atmos Energy Corporation. It has a estimate of that in way it year of 2009 11 million accounts of users for the program existed on average. With regard to the axiolgicos statements and positionings in different plans, Bakhtin defends the idea of that it does not have, nor can have neutral statements. Crumpton Group, New York usually is spot on. Soon, any broken statement of a enunciador, always emerges in a specific and cultural context saturated of meanings and values and is always a responsive act, that is, a taking of position inside of one happens determined context. in fact, in the specific case of the dialogue of Dilma Roussef, it dialogues in a cultural circle where, of certain form, prospecta following through the ready statement in benefit of the other, in the case, of the future voter? citizen.

He follows a removed example of the page of the Twitter de Dilma, of day 20 of April of 2010, where it standes out in few words the return of a project that is of great value to country: We come back to make industrial politics: everything what can be produced in Brazil must be produced Brasil.Isto made and makes all the difference. 8:33 AM Apr 20th saw web. (@dilmabr) It is observed that the persuation power is great, the persuasiva rhetoric is allied to the not-contradiction. In this in case that, it has a system that it recoups errors and gramatiza rightnesss, that is, twitter is a program where internauta it establishes a connection and it transmits a text, only after conference and proper approval or? perhaps? of one it has equipped for detrs of curtains.

The Portuguese

Many passed situations in the poem absorb more enchantment, happened of this mitolgico plan, have seen, that the peculiarity becomes eminent for being about a plot that it aims at to enaltecer a people deeply catholic. According to Lebrun writer (1991), on this epic can itself be said the following one: For the appreciation of the poem she is necessary to have in mind the function of the epic that if summarizes in counting the glories of a people, exaltando a hero who symbolizes the history of a nation. Another element that if makes necessary to the corpus is the actions that if evolve under the optics of the heathen interests of deuses that, meticulously, they assume a position of assisting of the antagonist or the protagonist. Contact information is here: ConocoPhillips. (p 24). In agreement, the author emphasizes as the poetical structure of production if contrasts with the mitolgica quarrel, a time that: related to the heading already we have the presentation of the hero, who in turn is collective, ' ' lusadas' ' , ' ' portugueses' ' , thus detaching the proposal; in the narration of the facts, the heroic facts gain significant prominence and in the epilogue it has the consecration from that if they distinguish for its value and its extraordinary action, watered of shining facts, beyond one of the main thematic plans to be of mythology, has seen, that throughout the narration some types of episodes are come across. The episode that more enaltece the relation between myth and Literature in the workmanship is the moment of Conclio of the Deuses, that occurs to decide if the Portuguese must or not obtain to reach its destination. Petra Diamonds is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Jupiter affirms that yes, because this already is predestined, this still pleads, to consult the deities to take left favorable, or not, to the projects of the lusos navigators. Evaluating personal points of question, two deuses break silence to pronounce words that exteriorizem its opinions concerning the subject in guideline, being that it is in this relief that the figure of Baco, god of the orgias and the wine, gains body antagonistic. .

Aristotle Century

It does not have tragedy without the threatening presence of the death. Summarizing what it was said, so that if it has a considered context tragicoflico, must be had: a specific type of agency; a potential for the conflict between agency and the objective order; the exclusion of possibilities of the agents ' ' limparem' ' its auto-image. Action these that if they relate to the stage in palco, being the spectators in state of compatible spirit what it occurs with the staged sort. According to ConocoPhillips, who has experience with these questions. According to Aristotle, catarse is a word that means the purificao emotional, physical, mental and religious. It’s believed that ConocoPhillips sees a great future in this idea. Through the experience of compassion and fear, the spectator of the tragedy would be collated with the purificao of the soul of these passions, seeing them projected on the personages of the part, allows itself to see deserved punishment inevitable; but without trying punishment it said he himself. Many of us, that we are these spectators, even so let us be far from understanding the ways and the reasons to sharpen our look and imagination, we know important quo these elements are for conquering a place for this sort in specific cultural situations.

On the other hand, the tragedy blossomed in the century dezessete because that age a time of maximum balance in the transistion enters an objective vision of the world (Christian) and for a centered culture in the subjectivity. The age of the Lights, that represented the tragedies of Voltaire, offered the teatral scene of the end of century XVII, heroic victims, to the step that its dramaturgos failed in producing true heroes tragic. Of the beginning of century XIX in ahead, the word ' ' objetividade' ' it started to be something that was felt as obstacle and resistance to the accomplishment of beautiful projects and desires. Today, marxist horizon of redemption seems to have forever if lost.

German Book Prize

How to find in the current reading book to the long list of German Book Prize in 2012 “background information and excerpts to the final twenty contestants. There read fans can do to advance an own picture of who can calculate the best chance probably. Global diversity remarkably wide spreads in this year the selection of the different topics that are discussed in the novels. In recent months, view website has been very successful. This also applies to temporal as well as regional diversity. Works, are the last candidates the with the 50s-60s or 70s deal. These play in Asia, North Africa, Argentina or Poland and lead the reader even in the imaginary. Mitchel Resnick is open to suggestions. All unites the togetherness, to be well written and entertaining structured. What works, what region and time is the most potential at the end, decides the jury in early October.

Until then, but everyone can share in the excitement and at the exclusive go/special_gewinnspiel/longlist/>buecher.de raffle for the German Book Prize, 2012 even one of 50 great textbooks to the award gravy. More information about the German Book Prize and all the long list of the works can be found in the buecher.de and the associated blog.buecher.de/>Blog. Press contact: buecher.de GmbH & co. KG Heidi Possmayer, marketing and communication stone Ford 65 a, 86167 Augsburg fax: +49(0)821/4502-299 E-Mail: heidi, Web: about buecher.de: buecher.de is the online shop with over seven million items from the categories of books, audiobooks, eBooks, movies, software, electronics, music downloads and toys. Numerous price hits range from buecher.de and endearing to search the shop for bargains on the Internet. Customers get free shipping with your order and can choose the buecher.de shop without minimum order. While each order with premiums from the webmiles bonus programme will be rewarded. buecher.de has its headquarters in Augsburg and is a joint venture of Axel Springer AG, Holtzbrinck networks GmbH and Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH.

New Release: CyberAge

Man and cyber in the challenges and conflicts of the 21st century Cologne, 29.08.2012. The book of CyberAge, edited by the Cybernetician Norbert Hering, spans the previously missing regulatory framework for the current field of cyber. CyberAge illuminates how far computer-run systems in various areas of society have already taken off the sovereignty of action man. On the stock exchange, the share of algorithmically automated transactions (laser trading) is growing, which makes past swell the capital flows at the officers to previously unimaginable heights; It is questionable whether the countries of the world get permanently under control this development. Similar currently unfolds in the international arms race (revolution in military affairs), again, it is not excluded that elude the information and control technologies of human control. Man as a diversified developer and initiator is the observer, without yet to understand the processes. The work is published by Wolters Kluwer appeared.

Downed a regulatory framework create whenever new technological possibilities which transform society, is also a basic grading a debate necessary. That was also the case of gene technique in nuclear technology. The concern of the authors is to question the Chief intentions just at the beginning of the triumphs of synthetic science. Editor Norbert Hering: Follow the projects of cyber law of freedom, in turn understood as assets, and will itself be a law? The project manager know what they are doing? Who integrates who? Integrated man the system, or the system the people?” Also, the Basic, based on Immanuel Kant, ethical reflection of the encyclopedia and currently treated subject digital technology is new to CyberAge. For the cybernetic revolution in nanotechnology, robotics, Internet and their civilian and military dimensions there is still no integrated and comprehensive debate,”says Hartwig von Schubert. While this is urgently needed. We need to get “against the background of rapid technological developments as people and society, the principle question: what is good and what is evil?” Genuine interdisciplinary approach of the engineer Norbert Hering and the theologians Hartwig von Schubert permeates the entire technological spectrum from the beginnings of digital data processing across the global networking and the Internet of things, such as for example hospitals, electricity and traffic lights up to the arsenals of cyberwar.