In the current context, one of the main challenges, both for companies and public bodies, is to achieve the agility and flexibility needed to adapt to ongoing changes in the market. Every day, companies and organizations improve their processes through the implementation of management software and control flows of the business processes, known as systems or you solve workflow. The effectiveness of an organization improves considerably with the introduction of process management solutions, commonly known under the English term applications or workflow software, since they facilitate the implementation of standardized processes and provide a detailed view of each area as well as a global perspective of the situation. But before you continue we are going to make a brief explanation of the term workflow what is Workflow? Workflowse refers to the workflow to continue to achieve a task or work default. It is defined as a sequence of tasks of a business process system. Your definition and control can be manual, computerised or mixed. It organizes and controls tasks, resources, and rules required to complete the business process.
New trends in regulating organizations, make the Workflow a key tool to achieve greater agility and increase the decentralization of administrative and commercial activities. The evolution of Workflow consists in seeking the maximum automation of the processes of labour and total control of the different stages, during which documents, information or tasks passed from one participant to another, according to standards or procedures previously defined. Over time, various software applications have been developed, many of them have evolved from management systems of image, document management systems, e-mail or database systems. In the market there are different types of Workflow tools, the main ones are: corporate Workflow, application Workflow, Workflow documentary and production Workflow. Some of them are limited to your area in particular and others allow communication with external applications in a way synchronous (waiting for a reply before continuing) or asynchronous (just leave a message and retrieves the response below).