Each day that passes are more convinced that non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) or alternatives are a real option to industry and individual level to provide electricity not only sustainable but autonomous and, looking to the long term, cheaper. Was that one of the central themes of the seminar solutions with renewable energies not conventional who organized the Regional Government of Aysen, the University of Chile and the National Commission of energy altogether, and which met for two days in the Auditorium of the Regional Library to specialists in the field of solar energy, mini hydraulics, windgeothermal, and biomass. In what I showed it was more or less clear that the potential across the country, beyond some discussion about the figures, shows that we are a nation rich in renewable energy. And that will vary from region to region, depending on the most cost-effective energy in each zone. In the North is the Sun, and here in Coyhaique the biomass, wind and hydro-electric micro power have potential Giants explained the doctor in engineering from the University of Dortmund, Rodrigo Palma, on the energy wealth of Chile.
With respect to costs, he noted that these technologies tend to be more expensive than large scale solutions, but have many advantages in environmental matters, image and local development in terms of work. And the numbers are very clear. The expert delivered data for the potential contribution of non-conventional renewable energy and energy efficiency study to the electrical grid, 2008-2025 of the universities of Chile and Federico Santa Maria, which notes that in the area mini hydraulic Chile has potential to generate 20 thousand MW, in geothermal 16 thousand, in wind power 40 thousand, in biomass almost 14 thousand and 100 thousand solar, in total, 190 thousand MW. This volume, in the Central interconnected system today installed capacity is only 330 MW. For this reason, in his opinion, one of the greatest challenges must be linked the discussion of development energy with the discussion on the possibilities of technological and industrial development at the national level on the energy issue.