The culture of the soy is practically being in all domestic territory, being main agricultural product of the country, originating its more important derivative the soy oil. Figure 3. In what if they relate to the question of the impact caused for the discarding of the vegetal oil after-I consume in the environment of incorrect form, is perceived in figure 3, the absence of knowledge of the causes and consequencias to the environment. This remote a necessity to elaborate through lectures and activities with the pupils who are agents right-handers in the familiar awareness of the importance of if giving a correct destination to this residue, fits to the ambient educator to be the direct agent in this process. Figure 4. In relation to the interviewed ones that they make to the separation of the garbage in its residence, it was verified, as figure 4, that the great majority inhabits has to separate it the garbage in its residence, this if must to the fact of the quarter have an association of catadores of materials recycle.
Figure 5. Evaluating the degree of knowledge of the interviewed ones how much to the option of the garbage as income, it is observed in figure 5, that it has a satisfactory index of people that it observes the garbage as income and not as something indesejado. 4 CONCLUSION Through the gotten results the application of the questionnaires to the familiar ones of the pupils, was observed that the problem of the residues generated in its residences mainly the vegetal oil after-I consume can be cured with programs of ambient awareness. Valley to stand out that the Ip-Purple College can be a point of collection of this residue, beyond offering space so that the community can learn to use this product and transforms it into an income source. Actions as lectures and workshops must be continuous, the participation of the society are basic for the good relationship with the pertaining to school community. In this case the Ip-Purple College yielded a space for the storage of this residue (attached) and through lectures directed to the pupils and its parents they had been possible to develop a project in which the community can use the space of the college to learn to reuse this residue of conscientious form.
Questionnaire 1. You have conscience of the importance of the environment in its life? () yes () not 2. You frequently use oil of kitchen in its residence? () yes () not 3. You have knowledge of the problems that can cause to the environment with the inadequate destination of the kitchen oil? () yes () not 4. You have the habit to separate the garbage in its house? () yes () not 5. For its family the garbage is an income option? () yes () not ATTACHED State College Ip-Purple located in the quarter New City Storage of the vegetal oil after-I consume.