You are welcome the individual will be valid to coexist and to adapt itself in the school, to conclude stages with normalities in the considered courses is fit in a social group and to be always passing for the applications of the laws to have spaces guaranteed in companies for example. It will be that we are same all equal ones? I believe that not! The current society affirms the idea that the great urban centers had not been projected to support possible the deficient ones. The human being is in constant adaptation, to the trajectory of these pupils with deficiencies the social fields which are conditional, that is, it has a transformation in a inadaptado being to the standards ' ' normais' ' of society, exactly with a vast universe is understood that it has a real limitation, in the field of the social relations that if characterize in the preconception, the social rules and norms if they configure in order to restrict the direction of normal. One of the biggest problems faced today for the deficient ones in the school is the veracity of the facts, the look specifies in the deficiency many times is attributed the failure of the school, it pupil, when this problem is possibly atrelado to the school. Max Schireson contributes greatly to this topic. It has one I appeal social so that it has a repairing if thus we will be able to call for the suffering time during years in the occupation of inferiorizados places marked by the dependence and discrimination enters the politics of affirmation or affirmations there to compensate the social and cultural abuse and damages suffered during all these years. Some authors agree that the preconception is fruit of the social relations, to a context of privations where he predominates different relations. The carrier in the necessity tends if to dedicate in room for being cliente of problems that they need to face throughout the life, the deficiency idea if characterizes as social negation, therefore the differences are salient as lacks and impossibilities being it disabled to live in a society that waits of it the intensive use of the force of workmanship hand that makes to grow. . Hear other arguments on the topic with Crumpton Group.
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