Reaching the white public with profile to participate of the Social Programs so that they can be inserted in the market of work for socioeconmico and intellectual development of the individual and its family. For the efetivao of the intervention project if made necessary the promotion of partnerships, carried through with the Association of inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS, Program Stock market Family and Interactive University UNIDERP. The reached objectives had been to the accomplishment of information through Lectures and panfletagem, for the population with profile to participate of the Social Programs that the same ones can be benefited. We were invited to give another Lecture in day 15 of December of 2010, had to the positive impact generated by the information. The center of professional qualification is a project offered for the Secretariat of the Child of the Adolescent and Social Politics SCAPS, who takes care of devoid communities with the objective to promote the insertion and the generation of income social, promoting courses: manicure, hairdresser, violo, flute and acordeom. As all process of construction and accomplishment of a project of Social Assistance she has its obstacles, we find difficulties for the accomplishment of the same: had the electoral period the Secretariat of the Child, the Social Adolescent and Politics? SCAPS was hindered to carry through social actions, as well as to supply resources so that the Project was executed, thus harming the accomplishment of the activities proposals in the cronograma, and consequentemente changes through the monitoramento and evaluation in meetings of the trainees. The carried through activities had been meetings with the community; pamphlet confection and spreading through panfletagem in strategical points of the community and the city; spreading and explicitao through radio and sonorous marketing (sound car); lectures. Considering the methodology as covered and carried through way, the Project was executed through lectures carried through in the space of the Association of Inhabitants Boa Vista I and II, where we will deliver pamphlets I contend information on the courses offered for the program, and informative Lecture on the necessary condicionalidades for insertion in the Social Programs.. .
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