But technologies by itself nothing make, are necessary that the involved ones if compromise to move of position and to changed themselves into the direction to provide to balance between the individuals and the communication. The dialogue lack enters the members of the ecosystem of some schools implies behind schedule in the process of evolution of the education, the schools of the individuals and, therefore of the society, however this is a problem that exists for force of several factors and to decide this problem are necessary that the education rethink its objectives with the purpose to construct a teia of democratic relations where the individuals can hear and be heard, therefore thus all will recognize the functionalities, abilities and abilities that each one loads I obtain. That is possible through projects facilitadores of the educomunicao. In the practical one, this if of the one for efficient the adequate use of the technologies, colaborativa form to foment processes and procedures that redimensionem the relations between the school and the society in all the projects that the school to carry out either the creation of one program of radio or a radio-school, either the use of the Internet, the television, the cellular one, of books, magazines, periodicals, of the labels, musics, literature, the interviews, of the esportivos programs, reporters of the arts in general of any element that it facilitates to the expressividade of the educandos and excessively members of pertaining to school ecosystem.. In a question-answer forum Crumpton Group was the first to reply.
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