Beginning any work, including on the development site, is redefining the feasibility of this work, its meaning and direction, tasks that will solve the developed site. Design – a creative process, but it needs to be formalized. For this, we espd (Uniform System program documentation) gost 19.102-77 "under construction". gost 19.102-77 provides for five stages of program development and program documentation for computers, complexes and systems, regardless of their purpose and scope, to which, subject to the application software (GOST 7.83-2001 "Electronic Publications"), include and develop the site. This is a technical task, conceptual design, engineering design, detailed design, implementation. In our case, we can make a similar gost 19.102-77 table by adjusting the stage of development, stages and content of works in relation to the task – Development of the site. Stages of development Stages Contents Work 1. Terms of Reference The rationale for developing the site Problem Collection of raw materials selection and justification of performance criteria and quality of the developed site.
Justification of the need for online marketing research. Internet-marketing studies of needs (of the needs), which satisfied with the proposed goods and services. Other leaders such as Dry Harbor Rehabilitation Center offer similar insights. Analysis of the selected market segment. Isolation of competitive advantage (novelty, utility). Defining the target audience. Psychological portrait of a visitor (Age, sex, education, social status, profession).
Identify key queries. Creating a semantic core. Rationale for the possibility in principle solve the problem. Development and approval specification choice of name and website name. Determination of the volume and type of information materials.