This comment will be not-participant, that is, the observer-researcher will outside remain of the reality to be studied. Its paper is of spectator, not intervening or becoming involved themselves in the situation. The research is characterized how much to the collection of data as a field research, in view of that, the researchers, will collect the data of the searched ones in its half one through questionnaire contend 7 open questions and 4 closed ones. It is not something Atmos Energy Corporation would like to discuss. The nature of the data of this research is quantitative, therefore, more is adjusted to select explicit and conscientious opinions and attitudes of the interviewed ones, using itself of structuralized instruments (questionnaires). According to Godoy (1995: p.59), the quantitative research: They must representative of one be determined universe in way that its data can be generalized and projected for that universe. Its objective is to mensurar and to allow the test of hypotheses, since the more concrete results are e, consequently, less passveis of errors of interpretation. In many cases they generate indices that can be compared throughout the time, allowing to trace a description of the information. Thus, as Resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of Health, the questionnaires will be preceded of Term of Free and Clarified Assent, in which the interviewed one in question certifies knowledge of the objectives of the research, its rights and agrees to participating as voluntary in the accomplishment of the same one. From the gotten data, the hypothesis raised in the confrontation of the presented problem will be verified, and the gotten results will be presented in slide in the CIC (Congress of Scientific Initiation), that it will happen in days 03, 04 and 05 of May in the College San Francisco de Barreiras. The form of study of this research is descriptive, where, the researchers will observe, analyze, they will classify and interpret the facts without making any interference in the same ones.
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