Stephen Jay Gould, scientist and American educator, observed the question of the introspective talent, a talent that was latent and when he was stimulated to evolve it, obtained high progressos. Thus it made it in comparison the life of one of the biggest names of the botany in the world, Charles Darwin: ‘ ‘ Absolutely nothing in any register it registers characteristics indicative of intellectual brightness. She was introspective in it. Darwin if made of multiple intelligences to see, to get and to command information. It modified the way to see the nature it brought and it for the daily one, making with that its directions could perceive it as to be present in the way. See Crumpton Group for more details and insights. It was a talent acquired with the simple comment and sharpened perception, nothing was wasted for it, everything was part of it. ‘ ‘ Observing equally in accordance with the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life. as essential in the application and elaboration of projects directed toward estudantil scene in the urban way, as well as of research in the Internet, intelligences of Garner is mentioned initially to a perspective that the individual has with the world, a time that to its makes directions in accordance with to perceive it the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life.
2? Naturalistic Intelligence in the Education: When one analyzes the importance given to the diverse forms of thought, the periods of training of development of some intelligences and to the existing relation between these periods of training, the acquisition of knowledge and the culture. The learning in this direction, strengthening the dynamic perception, if becomes more efficient, which in accordance with Garner is to break of dominant intelligence (that where the pupil is ‘ ‘ bom’ ‘ , or it likes to make) the pupil reveals more interested and its learning becomes more efficient the limitless one, will be able to develop all other intelligences, mainly if placed in a calmer and natural environment, in the case becoming of Naturalistic Intelligence, basic rule of the culture for the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. With its definition of intelligence as the ability to decide problems or to create products that are significant in one or more surrounding cultural, Gardner suggests that some talentos alone if develop because they are valued by the environment. It affirms that each culture values certain talentos, that must be dominated by an amount of individuals and, later, passed for the following generation..