This way the Government keeps authorities University in individual negotiations of small contributions to cover areas that go into collapse. It’s a strategy to bring to our houses of study, as for example mentioned by the Federation of Association of professors of Venezuela. Is very fair and correct observation and request, that it is not possible that the authorities of several national universities continue managing universities crisis created by the Executive with similar siege suffocating, because this is done at the expense of the conditions of study of future professionals they graduate from them, and at the expense of the working conditions of teachersworkers and employees, victims of occupational abuse and deterioration in their quality of life. From here, which is no surprise to the Government, which the universities claim their rights and request fair budgets, fulfillment of obligations of the Government, and they know manage the coffers of bolivares fuertes for the universities in an equitable manner so that universities comply with its raison d ‘ etre, to ensure academic quality, performance, academic projects and decent wages. The national Government should pay more attention to the budgetary crisis facing universities, is known on the subject, the case which concerns us at the University of Carabobo, Valencia the maximum House of studies people teacher Jessy Divo of Romero Rector explained that the 1.820.252.504 bolivares you need the institution for this year 2010 the planning Office for the University sector (Opsu) approved only 712.952.10 bolivares which represents a shortfall of 1.082.503.904 bolivares. This budget cuts will have impact on primordial aspects as security, health, transportation, teaching, and extension as well as the providences student, since the budget than planned by the Opsu for UC represents barely 39,12 percent of the actual calculation that requires the University to operate properly.
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