I have spent many years making me reiki as a student, working with reiki as a therapist, teaching reiki as a teacher; and in common there is always a strong point of reiki that pleased: the capacity that has, for guiding inwardly towards the growth of people. If I had to define the greatest quality of reiki, for me it would be this. Heal, there are many therapies that are dedicated to heal.Relax, there are many therapies that help you to relax. But inwardly guide you towards the connection with your deepest being, or soul, and that this is who you orient toward where go, few therapies there are to achieve this objective. And which I domino is this: is the Reiki.
Reiki helps you see which are the locks that prevent you from being happy in this life. With a therapist once you’ve already found them, it helps you heal them facing them, not rejecting them or avoiding them. And once you’re overcoming them, every time you’re feeling inside of you, all the potential of who you are and what you want. Life normally live it simply taken into account where we want to go. If we get it, we are so happy. But if we fail, then we believe that we have failed. That our efforts have been in vain. But you have to see it from another perspective.
You have to see it as the tale of the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, where reflected that the most important is not to get the goal, but everything that we learn along the way that we walk to reach it. Consider all people we have known at that period of time. People who sometimes become good friends in life, others simply have passed through long. And this part of awareness and observation, is one of the parties that a measure which make you Reiki or that one same is made Reiki (provided that has previously been initiated by a Reiki maestro-maestra), are changing the way of seeing life. It is as if as you get that positive energy, were disappearing spines were found by the road, and you were seeing better all the beautiful flowers we saw not at that moment, so pending not to pinch us with thorns. Reiki helps you realize that each day grow with the experiences that we live, every day we grow with people who we know. And finally we are what we have decided at each moment, taking into account the decisions we have taken. Reiki helps you be aware of that you yourself who decides to become what you want to be. They are slow but sure steps. Harrowing in some moments, but satisfactory when you advance. Sad when revives painful but happy memories when you get to transform them into learning. Anyway from my experience of alumna, therapist and teacher, this is one of the great advantages of know reiki and working on it. Thanks for reading my article, based on my experience. Montserrat Oliveros Gonzalez teacher and therapist in Reiki (Reiki Spanish Federation member) web: original author and source of the article.