The professional of Public Relations has for function to execute these actions. This research aims at to verify if the professional of Public Relations acts in the management of these actions and if she is prepared for the changes that come occurring in the work market. Also, organization will be appraised and institution, as well as, will be pointed its similarities and differences, its relation with the institucional actions will be analyzed the theory of classification of them pblicosem Pblicasa Relations and the management of these actions for professionals of Public Relations and the management of the Project Think Green of RBS TV Saint Maria. As methodology, this research the case study will be set in motion, structuralized and half-structuralized interviews. The study of case, considered for Braga, (2008) one it disciplines indiciria, it was used in this work so that if it can construct knowledge for the field of the communication, by means of the study of phenomena and of its comunicacionais aspects. For Braga, (2008) a great variety of phenomena exists that need the study its comunicacionais aspects and we do not have in the field of the communication, a enough provision of basic rules, nor theories that allow in them to make preliminary reductions.
The case studies, therefore, if give particularly to the production of knowledge in the current conditions of constitution of discipline. We find a variety dynamic of phenomena that request an apprehension of its properly comunicacionais aspects clearly; we do not make use of a enough provision of great proper basic rules to the field, with transversal theoretical formalizaes to the generality of an object, nor enough consensuals, that allow to make preliminary reductions. (BRAGA, 2008, p.76) For Braga, (2008) the case study it has four purposes, are they: ) to generate rigorous and diversified knowledge on a plurality of phenomena that intuitivamente are perceived as of interest for the area (the knowledge of the cases in itself); b) to assure elements of joint and tensionamento between reality situations and previous including abstract proposals (particular situations versus established knowledge); c) for the proper logic, of the indicirios processes, to generate proposals of increasing abstraction from concrete realities; d) to characterize itself as scope of bigger probability of success in the removal of comunicacionais questions directly related the phenomenon in society (to see BRAGA, 2004).