Crossing the line that separates a reference from one copy shameless when time is short and the inspiration also, we can be easy prey for the temptation to rely too much on reference designs, reaching levels of exact copies of some or many of the design elements. Beyond the lack of ethics, originality and professionalism which that implies, which is really dangerous, is the risk that the similarity is so obvious that someday the client becomes aware and we confront this. We must learn how to use the inspirational references with suspicion, knowing give them our own style and identity graphic. Copy us to ourselves this bad habit tends to be present in the work cycle of every designer, where we run the risk of becoming very predictable in our style and proposal sooner or later. We must be vigilant and not always yield to the comfort of work under the style already We dominate. To maintain or improve the competitiveness of our style, we must propose we develop design original, different and entirely customized for every project, highlighting those features and details that characterize us, seeking to create a seal of identity in our design style, achieving our portfolio to put in evidence that we are able to create creative for all kinds of projects solutions. Leave the content finally content isn’t just text filler that occupy the blank spaces that we leave in our design, the content is the communicational Project Guide, he depends on: strategy intention of texts and messages to present, the composition of the elements, typographic design, intended to support graphics and the criteria of readability we’ll apply. It is possible that we can simply construct a website with the logo, some images and a couple of paragraphs of texts, but it is almost certain that this decision will take us to having to adjust then many elements designed, is also impossible to be able to inject to the site desired feeling and functionality, if the design bases were established entirely by the developer.
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