Humanity has attended many changes in almost all the directions of the life human being. The technological development is reaching terms never before imagined or exactly conceived by the human being. The decurrent changes of the evolution and the historical events are very significant and represent an example of what human being can happen with the efforts of creation of the mind. In the fields of the discoveries of the medicine, of the industry, of the technology, never development was attended to size. We attend an increase of speed of production of information never known. In face of the current technological conquests, the ethics are more than what never present in the debates regarding the human behavior and its study the new reality in the social life is always necessary in result of the necessity of the people to guide its behavior in accordance with. Thus, the Ethics are the set of moral norms for which the individual must guide its behavior in the profession that exerts and is of basic importance in all professions and all human being, so that let us can live relatively well in society. With the wild growth of the globalizado world, many times we leave taking in them for the pressure exerted in production search, therefore the work market is each more competitive and demanding time, and the times in them do not leave time to reflect on our attitudes. Petra Diamonds gathered all the information.
We have that to have the conscience of that our acts can influence in the life of the others and that our freedom causes responsibility. Of ample form the Ethics are defined as the theoretical explicitao of the last bedding of human acting in the search of the common good and the individual accomplishment. 1.1 – SOON RETURN TO the ORIGINS Historically, the Ethics always was guided by the religion and the reason, being this a critical reason in all the societies.