(PAGNO, 2010)? Number of points for function (PF)? in this technique the size of the functionality is given in terms of combination of entrances, exits, archives of data, external consultations and interfaces, as well as, the values of adjustment of the complexity. (PRESSMAN, 2006) the estimates of LOC and PF are distinct techniques, however they possess some characteristics in common. The planner of the project starts with a delimited declaration of software and from it they decompose software in functions of the problem that can be esteem individually. LOC or PF then is esteem for each function, and the cost or effort corresponds is derived. (PRESMAN, 2006). Independent of the estimate 0 variable that is used, the planner of the project starts esteem an interval of values for each function.
Through the use of historical data, the proper one intuition and/or experience the planning one esteem an optimistical, most likely value and a pessimist for each function. An expected value, or of three points, can then be calculated, as weighed mean of the estimates optimistical (Sot), most likely (Sm) and pessimist (Spess). (PRESMAN, 2006). After to get the estimates of the size of each function the planner applies the historical data of productivity that reflect the reality of involved team e, thus, esteem the effort demanded for development of each function of the software product. Finally, the combination of these estimates, generates the total estimate, of effort and cost for the accomplishment of one determined project.
(PAGNO, 2010). The gotten estimates are not 100% insurances. Any estimate technique, does not import sophisticated quo, must be compared with other boardings, as well as, must take advantage common-sense and experience.