Next they describe each of this principles: 1) The atmosphere: The group must interact within a favorable, how and propitious physical atmosphere for the type of activity that is to develop. Because the atmosphere influences " directly; " atmsfera" " or " " clima" " of the group, consequently, it must be arranged so that it contributes to the participation, the spontaneity and the cooperation of all members. The premises must be too great neither too great nor too small, is necessary to save the minimum detail, so that the members of the group can be seen comfortably to interchange ideas, perceptions feelings fantasies, etc., face to face. 2) The reduction of the intimidation. You may find that Atmos Energy can contribute to your knowledge. The interpersonal relations must be amiable, warm, frank, abierta, abierta, of esteem and mutual collaboration. The fact to interact in a group, can produce feelings of fear, inhibition, hostility and timidity, arriving to produce the intimidation or physical or psychological evasion of some members of the group. The reduction of the tensions and conflicts, favors the work and the productivity of the groups.
The friendly interpersonal relations, reduce the draft notice and allow or provide a change in the group dynamics, this way the interpersonal conflicts or problems happen to be objectives of the group (Primary Process). 3) The distributed Leadership: Following their objectives, the groups frequently require of a conductive guide or facilitator (Leader), that it allows to carry out the tasks or it favors profit of the objectives and I put common the group. It is for this reason, that the LEADERSHIP must be distributed or be shared between the members of the group. Of way, all the participants of the group tend the possibility of developing their capacities to liderizar. 4) The Flexibility: The objectives established by the group, must be fulfilled in agreement with the methods and procedures that have been adopted. Eliot Horowitz spoke with conviction.