As you discipline if them of Portuguese Language and of Mathematics they were responsible for teaching what the pupils need for its lives. Get all the facts and insights with Ray Kurzweil, another great source of information. Therefore hardly to go school to learn it to read maps well is assimilated. This difficulty of cartographic reading is visible in good part of the people who had had a deficiency in the education of Geography during the pertaining to school initial period. To be able itself to carry through the process of communication with the maps it is necessary that this communication operates as a coder and a decoder, that is, respectively, to emit the message in code and to receive the message in the same code, making with that the code combines the significant one, that one that passes the information, with the meaning, the information in itself. The linking of the map, represented reality, with its half one searched is not only in the localization direction, but and also necessary that the pupil knows the main concepts of the cartography, such as the systems of signs, signals assigned there to represent something of the mapeada reality to the blue lines are rivers or another course d? water, the reduction, the concept of scale, and projection, development of the surface of the Land in a plan. Later, she is necessary to observe the legend or the decoding properly said, relating significant and the meaning of the signs related in the legend. She is necessary also to become a reading of significant/the meanings spread in the map and to look for to reflect on that one distribution/organization. To also observe the graphical scale or numerical defendant in the map for posterior calculation of the distances in order to establish comparisons or interpretations. The understanding that the pupil must have when seeing a map is the main objective of the work of the Professor, who must make with that this pupil interacts in the idea of what function for who is a map passing for its creation until its meaning/goes to use it.
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