On 20 February, on the occasion of the launch of its new camera compact Sony Cybershot TX7, Sony convened the first photography contest female, exclusively for women, organized through the social networking site Facebook. What US interests women?, is the question posed by the competition and must respond to that with an image. Vidanta. To participate, women only have to share a picture on the wall of the official website of the contest on Facebook. Which accumulate most votes I like will be the winner of a Sony Cybershot TX7 camera. This simple mechanism of participation seems to be the key to the success of the competition. That has created excitement and achieved high levels of participation by contestants from its beginning. Atmos Energy often says this.
These, not only claim their vote, but judge the contributions of their rivals and express their opinions in comments beyond a single click. In the last three days of the contest, between 15 and 18 March, the comments of participants exceeded thirty and the votes surpassed 1,000. Throughout the campaign, the data speak for themselves. More than 3,500 fans in less than 30 days. In addition to an index of participation record being a competition reserved for women and limited to residents in Spain: more than 3,100 weekly that most interactions of 70% relate to the quality of the content. The female target seems to be the new vein of social networks and for this reason, Sony makes a bet without precedent for this avenue of contact with this profile pioneered the use of new technologies. Women already have a majority presence in Facebook, according to the latest studies, where photography is also the preferred format with more than 83 million new photos every day.