Google YouTube site is in talks with several Hollywood studios to launch a global service of Pay-per-View (pay per view) at the end of 2010, putting it head to head with Apple in the race to dominate the digital distribution of film and television content. Google has been trying to convercer to studies and to the networks of marketing of this artistic field on the importance of a transmission and international service, this is what offers the service of movies on demand linked to the world’s most popular search engine. Google uses its search technology and YouTube will help to direct viewers to this new service, which is likely to be first launch in the United States.Coming progressively to other countries and regions. Negotiations have been ongoing for several months, but have acquired greater importance in recent weeks, amid intensifying competition between media companies and technology about digital distribution of movies and television programming. Apple this week expected to publicize improvements for your device from television, which connects the living room with the Internet through various types of network topologies, finally, expects to open a device to application developers.
Netflix, the company’s subscription of films, which is in charge of acquiring digital rights to films to its streaming service, while Hulu, the video site owned by Walt Disney, News Corp and NBC Universal online, is planning a $2 billion initial public offering. The Google project has caused excitement in Hollywood because movie studios are seeking new revenues to replace different cinematographic productions DVD sales, which are in sharp decline. Viewers will hear instead of download movies and pay about $5 for new titles. The films will be available at the moment of their publication on DVD and iTunes Store of Apple and, which means that Google you could tell with the latest blockbusters to the power of service. Google has been looking for a breakthrough on YouTube since it acquired the video site for $1. 65bn in 2006. YouTube attracts millions of users, but is still best known for its user-generated content. However, it has affected several content agreements and in April launched a service of movies free.