On October 21, 1965, in the summary of activities to mark the anniversary of the V integration of the Cuban Youth Movement and the inauguration of the first National Sports Games, the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz announced the emergence of a new newspaper which had the historical background to the journal Mella (weekly) and the Diario de la Tarde, and should continue to collect and combative and exemplary traditions of Cuban youth press. On that occasion, Fidel Castro spoke at the Pedro Marrero stadium with members of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) in the western provinces and emerged as a symbiosis of the meaning of the names proposed, that of Juventud Rebelde, which was adopted unanimously and democratically. Since then, their pages have displayed the most momentous events in Cuba and the world.The first copy circulated on October 22, 1965 16-page tabloid-size, and printed with three inks (red, blue and black), and remained in this format for almost three months until January 14, 1966, as an initial print run of 65,000 copies dropped to 45,000. A month after passing size “sheet” (broadsheet), the circulation increased to 80,000 copies. Juventud Rebelde evening started as morning in the capital and elsewhere in the country with two ions: one for the interior and the second for Havana (though could be considered one, as it only included the cinema and other entertainment for Havana ion).Juventud Rebelde was characterized in its early stages by having a large number of filmmakers, artists and designers who, together with the student publication of the Pioneer, which lay in the same place, allowed the publication of supplements such as humor (of a critical nature ) The Sable (November 15, 1965) and cultural The Bearded Cayman (January 1966), which later became a separate publication. Appears replacing Sable supplement the humorous The Chicharra, short duration, and on 25 February 1969 began to the Dedet (DDT) by a team of trained comedians in the newspaper. In the early months of 1968 actually began printing two ions: one for the capital (evening) and second (morning), that was made hours later, and was distributed in the rest of the country.In addition, the newspaper ed numerous special tabloids, for example, for the seventh anniversary of the integration of the Cuban Youth Movement (in four colors, October 1967), Mexico Olympics 1968, Apollo 11, Lunajod I, Summary of the Festival XI Youth and Students (with 48 four-color pages, etc.). On June 1, 1969, ceased publication Juventud Rebelde to circulate on Saturday morning to Sunday as the country, appearing and the Sunday ion of Juventud Rebelde. In 1969, Juventud Rebelde created the National School of correspondents with an enrollment of 18 partners, four of Havana and the rest from other provinces, and kept the circulation of the Bulletin Telex with useful information for youth newspaper correspondents on the island . In turn, Juventud Rebelde designed and drew up the paper in its infancy onward to victory for the Isle of Youth.On March 1, 1972, Juventud Rebelde began printing three ions: the first for Havana, the third to the then provinces of Camaguey and Oriente, and the second for the rest. On 1 December of that year came fourth ion (with the name of the third), Tuesday-Saturday, dedicated to students from Havana and rural schools in the Isle of Youth, with an emphasis in the news student. On several occasions, Juventud Rebelde used four colors: in December 1975, the numbers engaged in the First Congress of the Party, in December 1976, when it happened the Popular Power National Assembly, and in 1977, during the Third Congress of the UJC , among others. In 1977, the Juventud Rebelde emerged within’re young, youth bimonthly magazine became independent shortly thereafter. On January 11, 1987 Juventud Rebelde became off-set printed in its new polygraph Combined local newspapers Granma and returns to tabloid after 22 years, now A-3 format.From 1987 to 1990 were published at regular intervals and at different times various supplements as TeleGuia (with TV screens), LPV (sports), Permit (cultural), Fashion and Modes, CT-21 (scientific and technical).
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