In the same way, the authority of a superior is in its power not to give orders, but in an act, according to Gadamer, of the freedom and the reason that authority grants to the definitive superior. Without a doubt that to be able to give orders and to find obedience it is integrant part of the authority. But this only comes from the authority that somebody has. Also the anonymous and impersonal authority of the superior, who drift of the orders, does not proceed, in last instance, of these orders, but it becomes them possible. Its true bedding is (…) an act of the freedom and the reason, that grants authority basically to the superior because it possesss ampler vision or more is consecrated, that is, because it knows more (Ibidem). Therefore, the emancipation process, for Adornment, does not consist of the plea to any type of authority, but of a critical action and enlightening front all and the any mechanism of massificao, that it calls: cultural industry.
As Oliveira: According to Adornment, one of the characteristics of the current technological society is the creation of a gigantic apparatus of the cultural industry. The industry cultural it is an instrument of manipulation of the consciences, used for the system to conserve, if to keep or to submit the individuals (OLIVEIRA? , P. 39). This enlightening action, it considers as the act of professors and pupils to make joint visits the commercial films, in which the illusion could be shown to the pupils that is weaveeed in the films; also, the same it could be carried through with programs, musical comedies (Cf. ADORNMENT, 2003.
P. 183); in end, Adornment considers a critical vision of the individual in relation to all its surrounding reality. ' ' Thus, it is simply tried to start despertando the conscience how much the one that the men are deceived in way permanente' ' (ADORNMENT, 2003, p.183). Therefore, in this assay, whose objective was to carry through a critical one to the education way that it educates for the irrationality, Rubem Alves in them introduced in the question with the text Mouth of Oven. In this text, it in them it pointed an education that values not it thought, the art to create, the originalidade; but an education that it values the learning that if it bases on the repetition of contents. Ahead of this condicionante education, the kantiano concept was opposed: clarification, that according to definition of Kant, is the exit of the man of its ' ' menoridade' ' , of which proper it, the man, is guilty; that is, the exit of this of its state of irrationality for the state of the full and free use of the reason. Moreover, it was presented the proposal of Adornment for an emancipation of the citizen. For this, as well as already displayed, the emancipadora education must be an education for the contradiction and the resistance. However, not an education that denies any type of authority; but a critical-reflexiva education front to all the massificao mechanisms. Thus, if to want to prevent this state of present irrationality in the educational thought contemporary, is necessary each individual to have the courage and the ability of if serving of its proper agreement (Cf. ADORNMENT, 2003, P. 169); that is, each one to have the capacity of, by means of a critical-reflexiva action of its surrounding reality, to determine its autonomy front the all movement of massificao of the society.