As important as the quality of the product that we bought she is the one of on watch the technician, whom it must to us attend in Mendoza in case of failure or evil operation. It must offer a guarantee adapted in its repairs and respond at any moment before any reclamation of the consumer. The MARK Since it was based in 1938, the Korean company Samsung has had a great positioning in the technological market and in equality to the recognized quality of its articles it demands to its Official Technical Services equal seriousness in the deal with the user. Its permanent investment in R+D has turned to Samsung in one of the most powerful companies at world-wide level. Due to his increasing expansion one has become direct competitor of technological giants like Apple or Microsoft in the world of the telecommunications and of veteran companies dedicated to the production of electric home appliances, as much of brown range as of the call white range. The Even SERVICE SAMSUNG MENDOZA to this departure excellence has to go the one of the second step, that must contribute to an added value to the mark and that the technical support is not other that offers to the user of its products. The good use of the machines us can provide the security of which its operation will be correct, but neither the good use is guarantee nor exists the perfection, reason why it can fail.
Flaws that, sometimes, will have to the wearing down by aging. The scientific innovation entails in many cases the ignorance of the march and use of the devices put in the market from certain number of buyers, reason why the advising becomes key piece of the attention the public. RAPIDITY a good technical service of Samsung will be the one that gives an answer immediate to the client. The delay in the solution of the disadvantage that can have been presented/displayed will cause a damage greater than it is possible to be thought, since in the spirit of that raised the restlessness it installs the distrust. This can cause that in future purchases the mark is excluded from its preferences. Samsung installs official technical services in each territory with the purpose of to lend the best one attention to its clients.
OPERATION AND GUARANTEES Once communicated the disadvantage, the repairer will retire the apparatus with the purpose of to study which is the problem. After to have made a diagnosis, is given interested to the possible most detailed budget where it inquires to him into the cost of the repair. She will be the client who, in writing, must accept this budget and authorize the repairer, who will come then to fix the apparatus. Throughout the process the device must be perfectly locatable so that at any time the interested one can make a pursuit of the state of the repair. Finished the procedure the apparatus in the address of the user will be given. The use of original spare parts is very important for the technical services Samsung in Mendoza. On it the endorsement of the operation can depend. PROFESSIONALS the complexity of the present technologies demands that the technical services are taken care of by extremely qualified professionals and in continuous formation. They will be abreast of the last advances in electronics and mechanics, as well as in techniques of attention to the client.