representing the words or name something, they are called nouns: pencil, computer, machinery, Mario, Spring, oil, Gonzalez, dog, goblin, book bag, Valeria … The noun is the name we give to things, people, animals or places, or is the word used to describe all beings, real or imaginary. There are different types of nouns. The first classification is the proper and common nouns. Own are those that are used to name individually to people, animals or places, to distinguish them from others, for example: Mexico, Damian, Richard, Mary, Chiapas, Cuernavaca, etc. The first letter of proper nouns are always capitalized. Instead, the words mother, father, city and mascot are common nouns because they do not designate a being special. Nouns are classified into concrete and abstract.
The specific concern real people. For example, pencil, notebook, apple. Abstracts are the words that indicate qualities emotions or ideas, ie things that can not be touched. For example, kindness, sadness. Individual nouns designating a single object or being. For example, house, animal, Calendar.
Collective nouns are used to denote sets of people with a word written in the singular. For example, cattle, dozen, herd, herd, flock. Adjectives are words that tell us what the noun that is before them. Are called adjectives precisely because they tell us a quality of the noun. Thanks to them we know that the walls were dirty or that the leg was hairy. Adjectives are very important in the descriptions, enrich and beautify. Example: "A long time ago in a faraway country, there was a beautiful girl who was also intelligent and well liked by everyone because his charming smile who was happy to see her. A strange day he disappeared. They say that rose to the sky infinite and became a star. " In turn, a noun may accept one or more adjectives. For example: Toy fun, loaned, small, beautiful … Good friends, recent ones, large … Huge garden, flower, large, happy … Light aircraft, cargo, private, fast … In the use of nouns and adjectives, care must be taken that if the noun is plural, the adjective must also be. Or if the noun is a feminine word, the adjective must also be female. For example: A happy face A broken television A red rose.