Man and cyber in the challenges and conflicts of the 21st century Cologne, 29.08.2012. The book of CyberAge, edited by the Cybernetician Norbert Hering, spans the previously missing regulatory framework for the current field of cyber. CyberAge illuminates how far computer-run systems in various areas of society have already taken off the sovereignty of action man. On the stock exchange, the share of algorithmically automated transactions (laser trading) is growing, which makes past swell the capital flows at the officers to previously unimaginable heights; It is questionable whether the countries of the world get permanently under control this development. Similar currently unfolds in the international arms race (revolution in military affairs), again, it is not excluded that elude the information and control technologies of human control. Man as a diversified developer and initiator is the observer, without yet to understand the processes. The work is published by Wolters Kluwer appeared.
Downed a regulatory framework create whenever new technological possibilities which transform society, is also a basic grading a debate necessary. That was also the case of gene technique in nuclear technology. The concern of the authors is to question the Chief intentions just at the beginning of the triumphs of synthetic science. Editor Norbert Hering: Follow the projects of cyber law of freedom, in turn understood as assets, and will itself be a law? The project manager know what they are doing? Who integrates who? Integrated man the system, or the system the people?” Also, the Basic, based on Immanuel Kant, ethical reflection of the encyclopedia and currently treated subject digital technology is new to CyberAge. For the cybernetic revolution in nanotechnology, robotics, Internet and their civilian and military dimensions there is still no integrated and comprehensive debate,”says Hartwig von Schubert. While this is urgently needed. We need to get “against the background of rapid technological developments as people and society, the principle question: what is good and what is evil?” Genuine interdisciplinary approach of the engineer Norbert Hering and the theologians Hartwig von Schubert permeates the entire technological spectrum from the beginnings of digital data processing across the global networking and the Internet of things, such as for example hospitals, electricity and traffic lights up to the arsenals of cyberwar.