It turns out, the citizen and in this case is devoid of legal rights without a court order. To address this legislative gap traffic police, to develop further guidance on the implementation of administrative and jurisdictional activities within the new version of the Administrative Code. In addition, in all cases, except for an accident involving the infliction of mild or moderate injury, after the 2-month period if the person has been punished, the proceedings of the APS, subject to termination. Based on the foregoing, the actions of legislators are meaningless because the data has long been settled legal beyond measure and should not be regulated at all, especially at the legislative level. Against this background, additional terms considerably complicate the already tense relations between drivers and officials faces the traffic police. Such excessive and unwarranted legislative control promotes bureaucratic barriers, allowing officials to abuse of power. Now for each citizen, it is clear that comprehensive reform is needed not only of the traffic police and the judicial system, but the global reform of the legal system of the Russian administrative law particularly in the field of traffic safety.
Based on their research at an early stage of reform, may submit for consideration the following recommendations and suggestions: Recommendations and suggestions: 1). To stop tightening administrative responsibility for traffic violations. 2). In order to minimize legal conflicts should be taken of the Federal Law "On the road", and codify it into federal law and regulations of ministries and agencies on key areas of road safety. With a significant change in the legal regulation to add new rules. 3).
Cancel exit traffic police to the accident scene, without being affected, and continue with the victims mild or moderate step. gravity. At the same time consolidate the existing legislation the obligation to leave emergency Komisarov insurance companies the drivers. 4). To prohibit police officers, including the DPS to inspect documents on the right use and management of vehicles, as well as documents for operators and the cargo. Inspect the documents only in cases where there is credible operational information about finding a vehicle in wanted or use it for illegal purposes, involvement in the commission of crimes or offenses by drivers or passengers, as well as in war or emergency. 5). Step by step, moving to more sophisticated forms of mobile patrols, eliminate unprofitable and inefficient inter-regional defensive system of control police posts and stations MRF on the roads from 100 000 thousand TC / day or more. 6). Reduce by several times the number of employees in the units DPS due to the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of traffic safety. These recommendations and proposals aimed at significantly reducing corruption, eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic barriers and at the same time improve the efficiency of law enforcement. Thank you! Thank you for your attention.