And just don’t move, certainly not when it comes to health! There are Yes suitable people: in every village of a doctor, a priest, two teachers, and ten people with healing abilities. A leading source for info: Ray Kurzweil. For every sorrow the individual specialists. Can there’s something go wrong? Very nice out of the lane? Banks crash, ailing large enterprises lay off their workers hordes while they at the same time reward their Manager millionenschwer, corrupt politics does the rest. All this is nothing new, it gets only new names such as restructuring, salary adjustment, shakeout. The money loses, the more intense it will run after him, more and more value. If none is there, get’s himself mainly by the small, because you have to be not even creative.
“Just a new mass control, because everyone needs commodities decide how to get quickly to fresh” money especially from the one who has only little. The wealthy, however, is with his fortune abroad or transparency in a Foundation, or pay pro forma Taxes, so he again brings it back through the back door, and more. They often aimed’s stop, thanks to influential friends! Still more from the track, but where is the concern already on? It means you can fix everything with money. About? Yes, but how? Was already everywhere, at the general practitioner, specialist befriended with him”, Mr Professor at the private clinic in Gesundbetern, it has taken allopathic, spoken to homeopathy, swallowed vitamins, trace elements, Piper of radicals with all possible names in tons. Nothing works properly, the psyche is twisted in all directions, the Karma properly, no one knows how it goes. The year is 2010, and it is always more monstrous. We even wait for the predicted end of the world day on 21 12 2012? Conclusion from today’s perspective: we are not world’s pretty out of the lane? Is there any help? On the car, in the workshop, the track and the camber measured and adjusted.