Certainly, We were saddened by the fact that Ukraine and Russia in some moments could not reach a mutual agreement, but we never projected his attitude to what is happening at the political level. Corr.: Are you satisfied that the first his foreign visit Viktor Yanukovych will make it to Brussels, not Moscow, as might be expected, based on priorities already dubbed the new Ukrainian president? And does that mean that Europe is ready to go on certain concessions on the future of Ukraine's membership in the eu? KE: We will be glad to accept Mr. Yanukovich on 1 March and hope to hold a series of talks on current economic issues. In our face Ukraine has always had and will have, a reliable partner that is configured to only a friendly and positive attitude. I do not think that we will talk about the prospects of Ukraine's accession to the eu. We deal with this issue, as well as with other countries, but it's certainly working for the future. Comment words Catherine Ashton – eu High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, for our publication has agreed to Catherine Dikova – Member Delegations from the Russian side. Corr.: What can you say about the unconditional support and recognition of Yanukovich? ED: I would say that the eu, by and large, withdrew from the problems in establishing which at one time took an active part. Corr.: Do you think that support for Yanukovych by the eu and the U.S.
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