Interesting way, we would like to detach that the vignette, elaborated for the block, mentions a commitment with our way. Of the etimolgico point of view, the substantive commitment was chosen as form to send the listener to, voluntarily, if to tie or to assume an obligation with the cause. The feminine voice, in turn, tends to send the image of the care. Ahead of this, the Surrounding block in Focus aims at to stand out the importance and the cares with the Environment being told, knowing and arguing some modifications that the man makes in the same and its consequences. Moreover, the same it stimulates the population to respect the legislation and to act of form to preserve and to conserve the environment, promoting attitudes in favor of the support of the way, over all those that the proper ones can have day-by-day in its. CONSULTED REFERENCES BRAZIL.
Secretariat of Basic Education. National Curricular parameters: Environment and Health. Brasilia: MEC/Secretaria de Basic Educao, P. 14, 46. 2007. FREIRE, Pablo.
Pedagogia of the Autonomy. 2 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 1975. MATTOS, Landmarks Renato Franzosi; MATTOS, Lucilene Simes. The I Pertaining to school Competition of Ambient Education as Tool of Ambient Awareness in Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil. In: I National Congress of Ambient Education & III Meeting Northeastern of Biogeografia, 2009, Joo Person – PB. Annals of the I National Congress of Ambient Education & III Meeting Northeastern of Biogeografia, 2009. Pages 536-540 BRIDGE SON, C.H. ; SPONSORSHIP, K.R.A. The Radio in the School as Educative Instrument: Study of Case of the Program ‘ ‘ Antenados’ ‘. Available in.