Back pain can be a symptom of many ailments. Many people, especially in older age, they complain about this disease. During the lifetime of back pain occur in 70-90% of the population. Short-term pain in one quarter of the population may become chronic and cause disability. Back pain can be caused by trauma, infectious diseases and many other reasons. But the main reason is osteochondrosis spine, ie the destruction of the intervertebral discs. Over the years, intervertebral discs lose their water, and there is a change of proteoglycans – the carbohydrate-protein components, which reduces the height of the disk. As a result, This process changes the body of the vertebrae.
Significant role in the occurrence of back pain also plays a physiological straightening of bends. On the mechanism of pain may be: – nociceptive – local, as reflected (Projection, reflex) – neuropathic – radicular (radiculopathy) and – psychogenic. The mechanism of back pain can manifest itself in pure form or combined. Nociceptive pain in the back appear at stimulation of pain receptors. Reflex muscle tension initially has a protective nature, since it helps decrease the mobility of the affected segment, but later did not decrease, and supports pain. Local Pain is usually constant, but enhanced with increasing mobility. Projection pain spread farther away from their homes than the local. Neuropathic back pain occur in lesions of the nervous system.
Neurotic component is present in the radicular back pain, caused by compression of the spinal root (when a herniated disk, spondylolisthesis, vertebral compression fractures in osteoporosis, etc.). Radicular or radicular, pain usually sweep in nature. They can be dull and aching, but it greatly enhances the mobility of the pain, eventually it becomes acute. Almost always, radicular pain is transmitted from spine in the limb. Torso and limb movements, as well as other triggers (coughing, sneezing and straining) increase radicular pain. Psychogenic pain localized in the back are also not uncommon. Emotional stress is always accompanied by anxiety and muscle tension, and after the cessation of effect of emotional stressors muscles often go into spasm condition.